Thread Number: 45995  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
This is how my love of Rainbow started.
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Post# 474693   12/19/2024 at 18:03 by RainbowD4C (Saint Joseph, Michigan )        

rainbowd4c's profile picture
It's funny that this memory surfaced the other day.

Growing up home life was not good. I did everything I could to stay out of the house. On top of that I also was more comfortable with older people than I was with people my own age. Down the road from us was a close friend Teresa. I literally grew up with her. Her sister in law in one of my best friends. Her brother in law was the was one of the kids who outed me and tormented me and tried to do some really bad things to me growing up. He was also part of the reason I was kicked out at the age of 15. I used to babysit for Teresa and I'm pretty sure she used to babysit for me as well. LOL

The one day I needed to get away from the house and rode my bike down to her. Just to visit. It didn't matter. I am so much like her it's funny to think about it. She had been cleaning, she pained a door to her garage and paid bills and balanced her checkbook. (This is back in the 80's.) She never once asked me to leave. She let me hang around the whole time right down to fixing us sandwiches for lunch. I remember her vacuum. That round, brown Rainbow D4C. She needed to vacuum up something and I watched her empty the water tank and fill it with a clean water fill and I thought. That's cool. No bags. I asked her about it. She showed me the shampooer. Wow. That's cool. You can shampoo carpets with it. She let me use it. I liked how it sounded and the way it handled. I was hooked.

The other day on my day off I was cleaning, paying bills, and all that. I had my Rainbow out and it caught my attention and I remembered that day and how much fun I had hanging out with her.

Later that day I had to go up to Sawyer and I went past where she works. It was a sign. I stopped in to say hi to her. She was so happy to see me. I apologized to her for dropping in like this and she said "I'm not" I asked if she had a minute for a old friend. She said absolutely and I reminded her of that amazing day. She had forgotten it. But she thanked me for the memory. She was laughing and said that she never liked her Rainbow. She went to Kirby after that. LOL

And to this day. Rainbow is my go to. LOL

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