Thread Number: 45955  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Which was the better Dirt Devil "compact"?
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Post# 474315   11/22/2024 at 21:44 by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
Just curious on your takes. What was better between the 05 Bagless Dynamite, and the 90s Bagged Broom Vac? They were both DD's cheaper apartment based vacuums so I'm kind of curious what your thoughts on these two are. I've had both in my life but at far separate time periods.

Post# 474324 , Reply# 1   11/23/2024 at 15:46 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I prefer the Broom Vac. I'm more old school where I'd rather replace bags, like having a switch on the bottom, can use attachments unless you add the Dynamite Plus to this conversation, built in Ohio, and known to be reliable whereas I don't see many Dynamites holding up anymore. I like that Dynamites have belts on the side instead of the center, has a squeegee which is better for bare floors, filters can be washable and save on not having to buy bags, and the cord is alot longer. But the other reason why I prefer the Broom Vac is because it feels better on my hands. My red Dynamite is just rather awkward to push and pull around with, not to mention they have a design flaw where the wheels like to come off (my old lime green one did that). Honestly, I think these would've been fine for like trailers or RVs' that only gets used once in a while. I personally would not want to own or recommend either one for an apartment.

Post# 474330 , Reply# 2   11/23/2024 at 22:27 by Kirbyman65 (USA)        
I would

kirbyman65's profile picture
Prefer The broom vac over the dynamite. My dynamite is extremely loud and doesn’t clean great. I also prefer bagged over bagless .

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