Thread Number: 45947  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
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Post# 474266   11/20/2024 at 03:00 by michaelt (Phoenix AZ)        

Hello. Does anyone have any information about Hoover products made for Penney's stores? I just bought a mint canister that is clearly a Hoover Constellation, but with the Penney's name and emblems. It's white on top with a yellow/beige lower color. It has the handle style of the very early Constellations, but the hose mounts on the front. It also has a newer style rug/floor attachment. I'm thinking 60s for the manufacture date. Does anyone know for sure? Thanks.


Post# 474285 , Reply# 1   11/21/2024 at 09:37 by Paul (USA)        

Hey, Michael!

Congrats on obtaining a Penncrest Constellation!

Here's a VL link to Penncrest newspaper ads I found in a database:

Another VL link to Montgomery Ward & JCP catalog scans:

The scan below is from the 1969 Fall/Winter catalog likely showing your Constellation in "Gold-Tone & Off-White".

Btw, there's an archive search box on the Vintage Forum homepage under the Lewyt Big Wheel picture in the green circle.

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Post# 474327 , Reply# 2   11/23/2024 at 17:05 by michaelt (Phoenix AZ)        

Hi Paul.

Thank you very much for your reply to my query. I'd say the model pictured in the catalog is the one I've got. It's newer than I guesstimated - 1969. I didn't get the attachments, but have some that will serve.

Thanks again for your help.


Post# 474335 , Reply# 3   11/24/2024 at 05:36 by bnsd60m9200 (Akron OH)        

bnsd60m9200's profile picture
Michael: Here is some more specific information on your Penncrest connie.

your model is an A107 made in penney white and penney biege. it had a very long run, however the aforementioned 1969 ad is not for your model. your model is older. the A107 had two color variants, and yours was made from April of 1964 thru january of 1968. the later version, pictured above, was made less for then 6 months, and its lower half color was a dark brown.

the total run of A107's was a shade under 25000 units, sadly there was no breakdown between color changes and how many of each were made.

not getting the attachments will come back to haunt you. those were specific to penneys cleaners, with the light grey attachments, and hose, and the floor tool was unique with the penncrest p stamped into the floor tool. where did you get it that you didnt get the accessories with it, an estate sale?

attached below is a photo of my penncrest a108 connie with the specific floor tool these machines had. hope to see a photo of your cleaner!

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Post# 474354 , Reply# 4   11/25/2024 at 14:14 by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

Is your tree already up or is that from last year?


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