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Bissell ScotchGaurd applicator
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Post# 474248   11/18/2024 at 20:26 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

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It seemed that Bissell in the late 90s to early 2000s had a business partnership with 3M, as not only did they make a bunch of vacuum bags and filters with their filtration material in them, but they also came out with this, the Scotchgard applicator tool. From what I've gathered, it was a tool that, as the name implies, allowed you to spray a small bottle of Scotchgard onto your carpet and upholstery, in a similar vein to a Kirby sprayer. It was included as an attachment with a number of high-end machines, including the Proheat Pro-Tech, Proheat 2X, and others.

I'm thinking about getting a Bissell Little Green for Christmas, and since Bissell carpet cleaner attachments all use the same fitting for the most part, part of me wants to get this. However, I'm not certain about one thing...

I hear that Scotchgard does/did contain PFAS in them, which apparently is a carcinogen. While I've heard that the formula for it no longer contains the "forever chemical", it almost definitely did back when these were produced, unless I'm missing something here.

Maybe if I did get a bottle of it, I could pour the old stuff out, rinse it out, and put some new Scotchgard in it (the old stuff would probably not be very effective at keeping stains out, anyways). Then again, I'd be worried about the environmental affects of me just pouring it down the drain...

If anyone has any insights on this little attachment, as usual, I'd love to hear 'em!

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