Thread Number: 45943  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
What is everyone’s beater vacuum?
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Post# 474216   11/17/2024 at 20:32 by Kirbyman65 (USA)        

kirbyman65's profile picture
What’s everyone’s beater vacuum? By that I mean the vacuum you use that’s made from a ton of random parts from other machines, The vacuum you use for dirty jobs, etc. Anyways mine is a eureka litespeed I’ve had for years, it’s mainly used in our “office”. It’s also lended to people when I repair their vacuum.

Post# 474220 , Reply# 1   11/18/2024 at 08:42 by ihavetotryagain (The Vacuum Cleaner aisle in an abandoned Walmart)        

ihavetotryagain's profile picture
By beater I thought you meant a vacuum that beats the carpet real good, come to find out it has a more goofier definition

Post# 474229 , Reply# 2   11/18/2024 at 09:46 by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture
my compact electra c9 is made from many machine and looks good for a beater same with my lux le rebuil hose from epic 6500 and wands added pn of epic to runs grrrrreat selling it actually low room

Post# 474268 , Reply# 3   11/20/2024 at 11:27 by mieles5380leo (Virginia)        

mieles5380leo's profile picture
For me it’s a shark navigator swivel plus (non lift away) that I found on the side of the road a few years back. The brush roll would error out and stop because there was a piece of fluff stuck in the cooling fan on the brush roll motor causing the motor to jam and trip the jam protector. I removed the fluff and it’s worked great ever since. It’s not special to me and I’ve never spent a dime on it but it works good for cleaning up cat litter and stuff I don’t want to do with my nice machines.

Post# 474271 , Reply# 4   11/20/2024 at 13:31 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
For outdoors, definitely a wet/dry vac. Wouldn't matter which one as long as it works. For indoors, like my grandparent's old mobile trailer that's seen better days, either a Shark or any vacuum I personally don't care about. Coincidentally, I'm about to be given some machines from my aunt next week she doesn't want anymore and one of them is a Shark that I'm planning on using for the mobile trailer anyways because I've been meaning to get a vacuum in there for a while now. Dusty, dead flies all over, rodent feces on the floor, etc. Just stuff where I don't want to use my nicer machines for like Davis. So the Shark and/or whatever I'd get from her would be excellent for that (except the Rainbow cause that's a nicer machine).

Post# 474273 , Reply# 5   11/20/2024 at 15:50 by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Right now, I am using a Hoover Windtunnel Anniversary Edition S3670 canister with a Royal Pro Series Power Pak powerhead as my beater vacuum. I wouldn't call it a "beater vacuum", but it's also one that if it died tomorrow I wouldn't lose any sleep over it or go to great lengths to replace it.

My current home has laminate floors, low pile carpet in the bedroom and a couple mats. So the Power Pak powerhead works great on the carpeting without being overkill, and the smaller brushroll opening and only being 10 or 11 inches wide concentrates the airflow better than the Windtunnel powerhead - crucial since the suction and airflow on the vacuum are only "average". I also have a 2nd wand with a 10 inch floor tool, again concentrates the airflow a bit better and picks up the dirt really good.

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