Thread Number: 45941  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
My experience with a Dirt Devil Quick & Light Carpet Cleaner
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Post# 474207   11/16/2024 at 19:07 by ihavetotryagain (The Vacuum Cleaner aisle in an abandoned Walmart)        

ihavetotryagain's profile picture
A few years ago when I was much younger, I used to have a huge obsession with Vacuum Cleaners and the like, I still do now but over the years I moved on to other things, but this year it seems to have come back as strong as it was before, When I was younger Dirt Devil used to sell their "Quick & Light" carpet washers at my local mall's JCPenny's store, back then they were also given the name "Enhance" for whatever reason, pfff, few years later, JCPenny's got rid of their vacuum aisle and replaced it with a... Towel.. Aisle... this ticked off younger me so much that I actually started whining to my mom about it haha, Few years later they brought it back, but one box caught my eye, it was a Dirt Devil Quick & Light Carpet Cleaner that they had left in storage for such a long time and only recently put it back in the Spotlight! I remember wanting one of these so badly when I was younger, Sooo I begged my mom to buy me the thing lol, For the next month I started using the thing and actually quite liked the machine a bit, later I realized why these didnt sell well... The thing stopped spraying water, I assume maybe the sprayer thing above the brushroller started getting a buildup of, whatever substance likes to build up in there, I dunno, I put the thing to rest in a closet.

Fast foward to 2024, I revisit the thing since my grandma's Hoover carpet cleaner (modern TTI model) became a sort of, risk to run (some water somehow got into the little tube connected to the suction motor, I was afraid it would start a fire, My grandma wanted me to wash the carpets that day, So I got out the old DD and started doing so, I first noticed that, the thing was barely picking up anything, which I later realized was because the thing, barely put down anything... So I decided to keep going, just extremely slow so it actually gets the carpet wet, this lead to me frequently having to refill the tank, At one point I just started audibly ranting about how puny this thing is (thing only has 5 amps) while using the thing, at one point I finally finished cleaning the carpets, and I went back to bed.

Fast forward a few months later, My grandma wanted me to wash the carpet again, So I ready'd up the thing to prepare it for it's next usage, I put some vinegar in the tank and spammed the spray trigger, just to see if that would clear any blockage in the sprayer, I assumed it worked and the next day I started preparing the carpet to be washed, I started on a high traffic area but then I noticed a foul smell and smoke coming out of the machine, I immediately shut the thing off in fear and threw it outside, so I could see what was going on inside the thing without putting the house at risk of burning down, later I realized that the burning smell was coming from a burning belt, The belt was quite hard to remove without having to touch the little pole that holds on to it (i was trying not to get burned), So I had to just cut the belt off, then it hit me that, Replacement belts for this model are rare to an abnormal extreme, and probably don't even exist, So I did the only thing I was able to do, and chuck the nightmare machine in the dump.

The End.

(By the way, I don't have any photos of the thing, Since I have long since dumped it in the dump.)

Post# 474729 , Reply# 1   12/20/2024 at 18:25 by wstonehockertv (North Carolina)        

The Dirt Devil Quick & Light gives off serious Bissell Quicksteamer vibes.

Post# 474826 , Reply# 2   12/26/2024 at 17:11 by kirbyman65 (USA)        
I was thinking the same thing!

kirbyman65's profile picture
Yeah I've heard bad things about the quick steamer.
By the way ihavetotryagain maybe if you take the water tank off of your grandma's hoover carpet cleaner, and just spray the cleaning solution on the rug with a spray bottle it would not leak into the motor. Also if your using dish soap or any other type of solution that's not carpet cleaning solution that could also be the source of the problem

Post# 474955 , Reply# 3   1/1/2025 at 20:46 by wstonehockertv (North Carolina)        

Good point.

Post# 475019 , Reply# 4   1/4/2025 at 17:06 by Kirbyman65 (USA)        

kirbyman65's profile picture
Yeah I hope that works. I had the same issue with a bisslle little green.

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