Thread Number: 45939  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
Electrolux LE Switch Replacement--Difficult?
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Post# 474200   11/16/2024 at 15:20 by sweeperboy (Pennsylvania)        

I have an Electrolux LE (Marquise era) and the switch is broken. It has been abandoned for years in a basement as it wouldn't turn off and I finally took it apart and discovered the switch cover which you push is fine, but there is some type of lever or rocker that has broken. Can I order components or is is an entire assembly? Is it a difficult repair? I know reassembly can be a much different experience than disassembly. Thanks

Post# 474201 , Reply# 1   11/16/2024 at 16:24 by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture
You need to unplug turn off seperate body the two slide should pull out sometime stuck so get a screwdriver to push it forward once bag door is open start where cord reel is and push forward then unscrew 6 screws and the switch will seperate from body top then remove wires re wire in and voila

Post# 474203 , Reply# 2   11/16/2024 at 17:42 by Rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
LE switch

This is not a wiring problem. Just the plastic rocker. Carefully remove spring with pliers, replace rocker, reassemble upside down like a jigsaw puzzle. Good vac with after filter and less weight than metal body Electrolux.

Post# 474210 , Reply# 3   11/17/2024 at 13:03 by sweeperboy (Pennsylvania)        
I think I have a broken component

Picture number 1 shows all the components after disassembly. Picture number 2 shows the clear plastic arm/lever which appears to have broken. Is just this component available or do I have to purchase a replacement switch assembly?

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Post# 474212 , Reply# 4   11/17/2024 at 15:54 by Human (Pines of Carolina)        
It depends...

human's profile picture
...on what's being parted out on eBay, and what's still left when you find the listing. I have more than once found a listing for what was once a complete a vacuum that someone has disassembled and is selling off for parts to maximize their profit. It sort of saddens me on the one hand, but I also have to be pragmatic and take advantage of a good deal when I find it. Hey, it doesn't hurt to look. Of course, you could also try to super glue the piece back together. It might work and it might not, but you never know until you try.

Post# 474218 , Reply# 5   11/18/2024 at 07:29 by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

I linked the button kit below. There's a listing that just sells the arm and one that sells the arm with the button. The color may not be an exact match if aesthetics is your concern. I would prefer to purchase the kit in case your button fails during installation or later on. That's just my experience though.

Post# 474231 , Reply# 6   11/18/2024 at 10:55 by Paul (USA)        
Additional Assistance

Your Limited-Edition Model 1623 was manufactured in 1987 or 1988, so the plastic parts are likely brittle from age.

I found a YT video posted in 2016 by Wintech, that shows the process of removing the switch from the casing of the similarly-designed Epic 6500SR and examining its components.

Removal Notes:

1. Remove back cover by prying two tabs on top - be especially careful as the plastid may be old and brittle). Rest the first tab retainer on the nub not pulling too far out., then do the other. Gently wiggle the cover upwards to remove it.

2. Tap the bumpers (rails) with a mallet or other tool on the ends near the hose inlet to loosen them and slide them backward and off. Tube sensors on automatic tanks will keep the halves together unless removed.

3. Without pulling on the casing too much remove the two screws that secure the switch assembly to it (a longer screwdriver is better).

4. If you need to switch the position of the tank keep the casing together as you do so.

5. Slide switch assembly out and examine it.

Hope you have success!

Post# 474246 , Reply# 7   11/18/2024 at 19:49 by Rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        

I have dealt with 2100/LE since they came to US from Canada in 4/85. We were taught by Electrolux to -- remove bag, filter and cover, stand on end with bag door up, open door, with flat screwdriver pull rubber cover over side strips up and away, pull strips up and out with needle nose pliers OR lay on bench and push strips forward by tapping rear with screwdriver, turn upside down with wheels up (Electrolux branches had molded plastic cradles to hold), pull cord out a few inches, carefully lift bottom with wheels up and away leaving cordwinder and motor exactly where they are, lift bag compartment up and back to see 2 screws holding switch assembly.

Post# 474385 , Reply# 8   11/30/2024 at 11:17 by Collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
To answer the parts question. You will probably need to get both the switch cap and rocker arm if the ones on it are original. They changed the design of them at one point and the square metal piece on the original cap wont work properly with the new rocker arm - it requires a rounded one.

Post# 474905 , Reply# 9   12/29/2024 at 19:22 by sweeperboy (Pennsylvania)        
Rocker Switch Successfully Replaced

Thanks for the information and guidance. I successfully replaced the rocker switch tonight. Happy New Year to all!!

Post# 474907 , Reply# 10   12/29/2024 at 19:36 by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Good deal! Congratulations!
And, Happy New Year to you as well!

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