Thread Number: 45937  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
1996 Bissell Powergroom 3600
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Post# 474182   11/14/2024 at 23:45 by Vacuumchannel6 (Idaho USA)        

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I acquired this a few years ago at my Idaho youth ranch, when I saw it my heart dropped and I realize that they were wanting a lot more for it than it was worth condition wise anyway but immediately I knew it was a crown jewel so I went back home as fast as I could and grab the money and came back and sure enough it was there. I bought it immediately because you don't see many of these old hard bag bissells around anymore. I really want the Bissell 3000 it was the blue one with the 10 amp motor I believe and I'm still on the hunt for that.

This vacuum where the bumper curves at the back of the widepath nozzle is two weak spots where they attach the bumper at the curved side. Every single one of these I see a photo of whether it's the durabilt one or a 3400 they all have the common flaw where the 2 plastic hooks break off because it also creates a weak spot, I can't remember what I did with the old bumper, I was thinking about just putting weather stripping where the bumper would be but I haven't done anything with that yet. And the brushroll is slightly off balance and I do not know how to fix that, maybe new bearings or make sure the fittings are tighter. But since it's already extremely loud enough as it is with a direct air 12 amp motor, the brushroll off balance, good lord it's so loud. If anyone has any suggestions let me know, it is an old roller.

It has a really cool bag docking system where instead of there being clip that hooks up to the collar, it wraps around the whole thing, and opens like a dog cage except it's a bag cage lol.

Unlike other direct air hard bag vacuums whereas on a Hoover Elite it would exhaust out the sides of the hard bag cover but the hard bag cover on this is fully integrated and is a part of the system as a result it exhausts through a chamber that leads up to the back where the cord grommet is in sticker as shown in the photos. That's where the direct air exhausts.

This thing is so loud but I think it'd be quieter if it did have a brushroll not off balance. But it still works good and the motor sounds quite alright. And is one of my prized possessions.

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Post# 474194 , Reply# 1   11/16/2024 at 01:27 by LeoMan04 (United States)        
Bissell Powergroom twins?

leoman04's profile picture
I got this one off of offerup for $15 and it needed a cleanup and motor oiling and now it cleans amazingly but it's model A133 and only single speed but that is ok

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Post# 474196 , Reply# 2   11/16/2024 at 09:30 by Vacuumchannel6 (Idaho USA)        

vacuumchannel6's profile picture
I have never seen one de-labeled and I assume that's more rare given the fact that it's remanufactured. That's amazing I didn't know a single speed version existed. That one is probably a 1998 model. It doesn't even display the amperage on the base of it. That's really cool 🤙

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