Thread Number: 45927  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
Career as a vacuum designer
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Post# 474130   11/11/2024 at 11:03 by moderneezer (Gatineau, Quebec, Canada)        

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Hi, everyone, I have a thought of having a career as a vacuum designer, and I wonder if anyone can recommend schools that can teach students about subjects that are necessary when these students would later intend to design vacuum cleaners on their own.

I can guess that the things in the following list would be what people would need to learn about when designing vacuum cleaners:
-The mechanisms for speed control
-The regulations in the countries in which the cleaners are for use
-Patents and copyright on models and designs.

So, which school should I go to, and what courses should I take, if I were to create vacuum cleaners?

Post# 474137 , Reply# 1   11/11/2024 at 18:32 by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

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Hi Raymonde! Fellow Quebecker here! 👋👋👋

You are in luck: you can study for a Bachelor of Industrial Design at either Carleton University in Ottawa or at the Universite de Montreal. Both really close to where you live. You would need to probably first have a Pure and Applied sciences college diploma from CEGEP first, though.

Bonne Chance!!!

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