Thread Number: 45920  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
2003-2005 NIB Hoover Floormate Base (non-spinscrub)
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Post# 474081   11/7/2024 at 19:44 by Vacuumchannel6 (Idaho USA)        

vacuumchannel6's profile picture
If you guys know my YouTube channel one of my videos I had picked this up at my local youth ranch. It was new in box and apparently was bought through HSN looking at the literature I would have gotten photos of the box and the papers in it but it's in storage and I don't feel like grabbing it but maybe for another time I'll showcase it in its own post. I've always wanted one of these and to find these New Old stock was so rare so I didn't have the money so I had to go back home to grab the correct amount hoping that it wouldn't be bought up by the time I got back and sure as it looked it was still there I think I paid 45 for it or more. Since the new house we've moved into has all hardwoods it's really convenient to use, and I rather use an old Hoover FloorMate rather than a new Bissell crosswave but that's just me. And for what it is it does an excellent job and it sure does look great. The wet dry setting is basically a height adjuster, and the dry/wet pickup setting all it does is seem to raise and lower the brush on the floor from the handle so got to be really gentle with that so the linkage doesn't get messed up.

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Post# 474087 , Reply# 1   11/8/2024 at 01:47 by EvolutionClean1 (Nampa, Idaho)        
That's too cool!

I have a SpinScrub one, bought it used from Goodwill and after replacing the squeegee it'll run circles around a Cross Wave. I wonder if yours is quieter than mine? I'd imagine half of the noise mine makes is from the drive turbine for the brushes... Still, being a bit louder, it's a very satisfying machine to use. Neat!

Also, nice to see another local ish collector! Whereabouts in Idaho are ya? It would be awesome to meet up with a fellow collector and have a micro meet sometime 😆

Post# 474088 , Reply# 2   11/8/2024 at 08:39 by Vacuumchannel6 (Idaho USA)        
That's so cool

vacuumchannel6's profile picture
Thank you, and I say it is quieter for sure, this thing actually really cleans the floor better than any mop, sometimes ill actually use a mop with the hoover renewal solution in a bucket, scrub the floors with the libman mop, then just run pure water in the Floormate that way it rinses and also is easier on the squeegee, since if you push it on a dry floor it catches it and tears it up over time.

And that's awesome, I totally agree that we should meet up I can send you my Facebook you can add me on there. I live in Pocatello I used to live in IF, Just look up "Dakota Eli" and you should see me holding the cool 😎 emoji plush to cover my face lool. Definitely looking for more collector friends for sure, especially since it's been years since getting back on the site. I'll send you my FB if you can't find it lol

Post# 474091 , Reply# 3   11/8/2024 at 12:26 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I'm not really a fan of Floormates or any barefloor extractors, but these I've always liked. Not only they work but I also think they're cool looking as well. I passed on many of them from my local thrift store over the years but I think I ought to pick one or two up before they get harder to find.

I've always considered Idaho as my second home state. My family used to own a couple of cabins up in Island Park and now we just rent out my cousin's cabin in the same area. I once visited Museum of Clean in Pocatello, one of the coolest experiences ever. I'd definitely go back there someday. The west coast distributor for Lindhaus is located in Idaho Falls, I know the guy there. And ProTeam used to have offices in Boise until they were acquired by Emerson (who also owns Ridgid) and later moved to Missouri.

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