Thread Number: 45917  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
1994 Regina Housekeeper plus 8.4 amp
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Post# 474070   11/6/2024 at 21:41 by Vacuumchannel6 (Idaho USA)        

vacuumchannel6's profile picture
It's been a long time since I've posted on this site, since I've made so many accounts such as "ilikefantoms" "bissell3510w" and the original "vacuumchannel" account, Even the account "automaticwasher" from 2012 when i was a cringe kid 😂. Well this is my official and final account for VL I promise I won't lose my password next time 😅.

Anyway, to celebrate coming back I think I'd post a vacuum that I had been wanting for a while and I have just recently got on my way to Boise to pick up a New Old stock white Westinghouse air conditioner from 1978 the guy was really friendly and gave me this Regina sitting in the corner for absolutely free and there's almost nothing wrong with it aside from its original design.

The 3-hour journey was really nice and was worth it coming back home. I was excited to install the air conditioner but even more excited to try out the Regina unfortunately I had to order bags since there's no style p bags around my area. The pre-motor filtration filter is so horrible that I helped it out and gave it a piece of HEPA cloth bag and put it around the intake. I had an old belt layin around that fit it so I immediately put that in when I got home.

Believe it or not it's my daily driver for how fragile it is it actually works decently and if your patient with it it does a pretty good job, but I also just like it. This vacuum has a spot where you can put spare belts that's hidden in the upper top of the bag lid which is also a part of the handle oddly and makes the vacuum split in half. A spot where you slot where you can stick a penny in and undo the small plastic rectangle to look for clogs which is pretty nice, for the release lever instead of telling you about what position you're going to put it in "up" or "down" it says "attachments" and "floors" but it makes sense because it was one of the most earliest vacuums to have on board tools so that must have been a marketing gimmick, it has incredibly bad posture though it can go forward a lot if you let it but it doesn't seem to be like there's anything wrong with it that's just how it was made and geez does it look wrong. All in all it's a pretty fun vacuum to use and the suction isn't great but it's a unique vacuum to have and for what it is it gets the job done quite well. And it was absolutely free!

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Post# 474074 , Reply# 1   11/7/2024 at 08:49 by kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
I have several of the L shaped models. I'm happy you made a Hepa bag. The originals are single ply and the cleaner loses suction within minutes. I need to do that with mine.

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