Thread Number: 45915  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
Kirby 513
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Post# 474061   11/6/2024 at 12:56 by Kirbyrug (NM)        

I have a Kirby 513 bag that is faded to almost yellow/green. I was wondering if there is any safe way to clean it and or bring back the color. I read through some old threads anout cleaning older bags and every reply said do not clean it, is that still the general consensus or is there a way that would work without damage to the screen printing? Am I better of just making a bag from scratch? I have already have made a bag for another Kirby but the longer logo would be harder to embroider, I would likely have to get it screen printed on.

Side note: what fabric is used on the older/gray 500 series Kirby bags? I’ve seen a few things saying they are corduroy but it doesn’t seem like it. Is it just an upholstery fabric? Did the fabric change a lot? What would be the most original to use?

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Post# 474068 , Reply# 1   11/6/2024 at 20:50 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Bag is corduroy.
Don't wash or try to clean it. If you try the colors will bleed off the bag.

Post# 474078 , Reply# 2   11/7/2024 at 12:35 by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

Fading or change of color from UV exposure will not be changed by washing.
And as Les said, washing could damage it more. I have a similar bag on a similar machine and I left it as is for that old look. I will not restore that unit.

I do wonder where Kirby got their fabric way back then (pre 90's).
I did notice the repetitive Chrysler logo on the back of the vinyl fabric fill tube from my Heritage that I restored a few years back. That really did look like surplus auto upholstery fabric.

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