Thread Number: 45912  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Cutting HEPA bags to use as filters.
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Post# 474018   11/3/2024 at 16:00 by atrac (United States )        

I’ve searched and haven’t found this topic covered in-depth, so I pose this question in its own thread. If there’s already one about this, please point me to it.

As topic states, will cutting a HEPA bag to the shape of your desired filter (pre- or post-) motor filter work well in lieu of the original filter in a bagged vacuum? I’m mainly referring to flat filters, not folded ones. It seems like doing so would make sense, as HEPA bags “increase air flow” over a paper bags, but does it hinder airflow more than a standard foam or charcoal filter! I’m sure there’s a possibility of the HEPA layers getting pulled unevenly causing them to bunch up, but I cut a filter and stapled around the edges to keep it flat and uniform.

Good idea? Terrible idea? Better as a pre- or post- motor filter? Anything I’m not considering? “WHY?” you may ask? Cutting up one large HEPA bag can yield a lot of filters. But if it was such a great idea, it seems like everyone would be doing this “hack” and posting about it, but that does not seem to be the case.

Photos: First one is a cut HEPA bag as a post-motor filter in a Riccar 4810 Contempo. Second photo is a cut HEPA filter as a pre-motor filter for a Hoover Sprint canister.

Your thoughts are greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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Post# 474028 , Reply# 1   11/4/2024 at 12:09 by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        

I think it is a great idea!
Just make sure it does not limit airflow too much as those can be more restrictive than the OEM filters. Also check it periodically to see how dirty it gets, as it will capture much more than the OEM ones.
Let us know how it does over time and use.

Sometimes you just have to think outside the bag...
Most people may not have thought about this nor had any hepa bags in their possession to try it on. Also the bags are expensive (but like you said one can make many filters.

I went as far as lining my Kirby dump bags with modified hepa bags to increase filtration and keep the cloth bags cleaner. Works great for me without pets and a fairly clean home. The emtors dump as designed but the pores will eventually clog and the liner replaced.

Post# 474034 , Reply# 2   11/4/2024 at 20:13 by Kirbyman65 (USA)        
I never would have thought that!

kirbyman65's profile picture
As a pre motor filter it would probably work perfectly. I need a new filter on my Hoover spirit canister so thanks for sharing this idea

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