Thread Number: 45904  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
Electrolux PN-1 Power Nozzle 3 Row Brush
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Post# 473981   11/1/2024 at 19:25 by sweeperboy (Pennsylvania)        

I just opened a 1205 era PN-1 and discovered that it had a 3 row brush roll. Was this typical or perhaps a replacement? I thought the PN-1 brush rolls were two row. The power nozzle itself had seen better days... the top housing was really banged up and the plastic on the upper wand housing was cracked and missing a few pieces. However, the motor still ran and brush roll turned when when I plugged it in.

Post# 473995 , Reply# 1   11/2/2024 at 06:15 by Blackheart (North Dakota)        
I may be mistaken

blackheart's profile picture
I thought the 3 row brush was intended for the Hospital edition of the model G.

Post# 474010 , Reply# 2   11/3/2024 at 09:25 by centralvacs1928 (Chicagoland)        

It's my understanding also that the three row brush was for PN-1s originally paired with CA and Hospital G machines...though no doubt it was available as a service part, so may have found its way into "domestic use" PN-1s.

How's the bristle length on yours? If it came from commercial or heavy home use, those brushes are probably pretty worn.

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