Thread Number: 45902  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
new central vacuum
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Post# 473952   10/31/2024 at 18:37 by n0oxy (Saint Louis Missouri, United States)        

There is one major brand of central vacuum that I don't have in my collection, Cyclovac. So, I ordered the 7525, this thing sounds amazing. It has two motors, but the motors are separate units. I use my central vacuums without pipes, just connect the hose directly but there is one thing that concerns me about this unit. I don't mount my units on the wall, they just stand on the floor and since the second motor unit is much shorter than the main unit, I'm not sure if I can make the pipe that connects the two units line up with that. I'm also a blind person so I'm wondering if someone could describe this unit with as much detail as possible. Does it show how the two parts connect together? You can connect the motors in parallel or in series. Definitely looking forward to getting it.


Post# 473976 , Reply# 1   11/1/2024 at 12:56 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
You're gonna have to find or make a custom wall stand if you wanted to use both of them together. I've seen some vacuum stores that have done this before for demo purposes.

Post# 474251 , Reply# 2   11/18/2024 at 21:03 by n0oxy (Saint Louis Missouri, United States)        
it's incredible

So I got my new Cyclovac 7525 and calling it a beast is an understatement, I would say it's a monster. The power is unbelievable and you can connect the two motors either in parallel or in series. Since I connect the hose directly to it without using pipes I didn't notice any difference with the parallel configuration, but connecting the motors in series is amazing. This is definitely the crown jewel of my vacuum collection.

Post# 474255 , Reply# 3   11/19/2024 at 00:33 by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

What voltage supply does this vacuum run from-120or 240V?

Post# 474256 , Reply# 4   11/19/2024 at 00:36 by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

The dealer in my area can get these Cyclovac machines.He does not stock them.The separate motor unit makes the installation more difficult.Not just a simple freestanding unit.How do you accomidate this machine?The dealer can get 240V dual motor MD units.

Post# 474258 , Reply# 5   11/19/2024 at 07:50 by ihavetotryagain (The Vacuum Cleaner aisle in an abandoned Walmart)        

ihavetotryagain's profile picture
This and the other thread about "the harsh truths of central vacuums" made me let out a little chuckle seeing them together on the contemporary forum.

My opinion on the central vac is that, they're definitely a pretty nice idea, and they look awesome, but I live in an apartment, And I could only make the amount of money to buy a house + a central vacuum in my dreams.

I personally have to stick with uprights and canisters, but good for you for pursuing what you enjoy :)

Post# 474267 , Reply# 6   11/20/2024 at 06:54 by n0oxy (Saint Louis Missouri, United States)        
Cyclovac 7525 specs

I also live in an apartment, I put a utility valve on the in-take and connect the hose directly to my units. The Cyclovac 7525 is a 240 volt unit. You're right that connecting the second motor was a bit more challenging but it's designed that way to allow you to connect the second motor either in series or in parallel depending on your needs. When connecting the hose directly I really don't notice any difference between just using the main unit and adding the second motor. Connecting the two motors in series definitely is noticable.
Here are the specs. In series the airflow is 136 CFM and the water lift is 254. In parallel the CFM is 273 and the water lift is 149.

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