Thread Number: 45896  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
Hoover Concept One U4119 - Handle Removal Won't Come off
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Post# 473924   10/30/2024 at 19:13 by foxxvintage (Kansas City, MO)        

I sold a Hoover Concept One, model U4119 and I need to ship it but I cannot get the handle off. This iisn't the first one I have had and once I got the plastic plate off from inside the bag, it usually slid out. All the screws have been removed and the plastic bag holder removed. The handle starts to slide out but it stops and I can't find where is hold it up. I reclined the handle as far as it would go and that didn't work either.

Anyone know what I am missing?

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Post# 473927 , Reply# 1   10/30/2024 at 20:02 by Rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        

Most if not all Power Drive Hoover uprights starting with the DAM were shipped from the factory in one piece and never meant to have handle removed. Others may know more on your model.

Post# 473930 , Reply# 2   10/30/2024 at 23:15 by foxxvintage (Kansas City, MO)        

That would be odd because it is a separate metal piece and is starts sliding out. It seems like an odd design choice.

I will take some pictures tomorrow of what I am referring.

Post# 473937 , Reply# 3   10/31/2024 at 11:14 by foxxvintage (Kansas City, MO)        

I found this video of a guy removing the handle but his camera angle iisn't great so you ddon't actually see him do it.

Post# 473939 , Reply# 4   10/31/2024 at 13:02 by kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
Your converter is for a convertible not a concept btw.

Post# 473945 , Reply# 5   10/31/2024 at 16:05 by abobotek (Redmond, WA)        

On the Power Drive models, there's a mechanical servo control wire that runs from the handle to the drive module. I think you need to disconnect it, either at the bottom with tools, or by removing the plastic handle.

Not sure if this is a 'user assembly' item; shipping with the handle attached might be preferable.

Post# 473951 , Reply# 6   10/31/2024 at 18:16 by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

You can't remove the handle from a self propelled Concept or Dial A Matic for shipping. I've shipped out many units and the drive cable along with the wiring was not meant to be tampered with unless it was being serviced.

Hoover even shipped them in one piece to the stores and dealers. That's why I stopped selling the self propelled units. My suggestion is to get a Riccar Supralite box from a local vacuum store and attach another box to the end while laying the vacuum flat in the reclined position. That's how I always did it.

Post# 473957 , Reply# 7   10/31/2024 at 20:58 by foxxvintage (Kansas City, MO)        

Well, that's unfortunate. I get 15 x 15 x 48 boxes from my box supplier so I can use one of those but I already bought the label for 25" as I was planning to remove the handle. I am glad I didn't cut the box down already. This price difference is going to eat away all the profit so that sucks.

This is why I figured it could be removed. As you can see from the pictures, it moves a good 2 inches and looks like it will just slide out.

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Post# 473959 , Reply# 8   10/31/2024 at 22:36 by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

Don't get me wrong. It was definitely meant to be removed, but those handles were always shipped in an assembled state for shipping. You should be able to void your shipping label and purchase another one.
It will be a little more than what you paid originally, but this will be a lesson learned as it was for me when I sold my first Concept One 10 years ago lol.

I found a picture of one I sold on Halloween last year using the method I described above. Those Riccar Supralite boxes are perfect for shipping a Concept when it is fully reclined.

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Post# 473964 , Reply# 9   11/1/2024 at 09:57 by kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
I wouldn't pickup any self-propelled vacuum to flip on eBay or any other online service. The shipping is just too expensive.

Post# 473965 , Reply# 10   11/1/2024 at 10:25 by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
Not to mention

The potential for a negative feedback from the buyer if he’s unable to put it back together.

Post# 473996 , Reply# 11   11/2/2024 at 08:16 by timh (Idaho)        

timh's profile picture
After following this the last few days i believe i am done ordering older hoover uprights off ebay. I ordered a dial-a-matic and it showed up in ONE piece but it was packaged carefully by the shipper.

Post# 474003 , Reply# 12   11/2/2024 at 21:45 by foxxvintage (Kansas City, MO)        

The 48" x 15" x 15" boxes I get are perfect for vacuums as they are usually a bit under 15 inches both ways and most of them are 45" or less. I just usually fold them own to the 23 to 26 inches they usually are without the handle. The new label was about $24 more, unfortunately. I went to pack it up and the belt broke and fell off when I lifted it up! So, I had to order an exchange of the new belt so another delay! I am glad this buyer is patient.

I usually just verify there are screws for removal when I list but I think I will be removing the handle beforehand to verify going forward. I might be getting a Eureka Excaliber tomorrow. I just sold one for $100 a few weeks ago.

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