Thread Number: 45887  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
Electrolux Model LX Question
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Post# 473845   10/26/2024 at 00:59 by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        

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I have a question about my Model LX -- something that's really stumping me.

After I got it back from the guy who polished the trim, I put it all back together.

When I turn it on, I can hear the hissing sound of suction escaping from around the bottom by where the ejection lever is.

I took the front cover off and looked around but didn't see anything amiss. There's a gasket around the hole in the bottom of the housing that aligns with a smaller hole inside the blue part of the cover that screws to the bottom of the housing.

Does anyone know what might be causing this? I will note that it's the oldest LX with no ejection control knob.

Thanks in advance.......



Post# 473850 , Reply# 1   10/26/2024 at 11:48 by Caligula (Wallingford, Connecticut)        
Electrolux Model LX gasket.

caligula's profile picture
Hi Charles:

My guess is age, after all it would be 72 years old. I think the rubber has cracked, or simply worn out. Things like this are common for vacuums this old.

Post# 473860 , Reply# 2   10/26/2024 at 18:58 by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        

electrolux137's profile picture



I took it all apart again (no simple task, mind you) and checked the (plastic, not rubber) tube. It's fine -- no cracks or pinholes.


I truly am stumped.

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Post# 473864 , Reply# 3   10/26/2024 at 22:42 by Caligula (Wallingford, Connecticut)        

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I'm talking about the round rubber gaskets with the plunger that activates the ejection lever and opens the front cover.

Post# 473865 , Reply# 4   10/26/2024 at 22:51 by Caligula (Wallingford, Connecticut)        

caligula's profile picture
How loud is this whistle? Is it heard over the sound of the motor? As I recall, when the wrapper (bag) was almost full it would whistle indicating it was ready to eject.
Maybe you should check all rubber parts. As I say, this machine would be 72 years old.

Post# 473869 , Reply# 5   10/26/2024 at 23:30 by Caligula (Wallingford, Connecticut)        

caligula's profile picture
Go to Lux 30-XXX tools, reply 86 and 87 to see what I'm talking about. Gasket 5705-4 and the smaller one with plunger assembly. As you and I both know these machines like the back of our hands, should be easy to figure out.

Good Luck


Post# 473878 , Reply# 6   10/27/2024 at 17:11 by electrolux137 (Los Angeles)        

electrolux137's profile picture



Well Alex, you have identified the problem with the photos you posted. See the photo I attached here and note the red circle. There's a rubber gasket in your machine and not in mine.  So I assume that's the problem, but the bigger problem is ... where one earth am I going to find one???


Thanks very much for your help! smile

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Post# 473896 , Reply# 7   10/29/2024 at 11:13 by Caligula (Wallingford, Connecticut)        
Model LX.

caligula's profile picture
I thought that was the problem. Do you have another front cover mechenism? If not check eBay, or Craigs list.

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