Thread Number: 45886  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
HELP! - Trying to find Apex attachments
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Post# 473841   10/25/2024 at 21:44 by Collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

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Hey Guys

I recently managed to get a US President vacuum cleaner that was in very good shape. Problem is, the only thing with it was the original hose. I have made one of the tool kits for it but I'm having problems trying to find the parts for it. Do any of you have any of these parts in your spares bins???

Second picture is of the parts I am looking for and was sent to me over 10 years ago from a friend in the US that has since passed away. He was going to send me the complete machine but passed away before doing so and no one seems to know what happened to all his stuff. So I would like to complete this one as a memory.

Just a bit of background on President. President was one of the house brands of State Vacuum Stores in the US and Canada. In the US the President machine pictured was made by Apex for them from 1949 to about 1952 or 1953. At that time they went to a version of the Universal vacuum, also renamed President.

In Canada the President machines were made by Bylock in England for State Vaccum Stores Canada. This was done due to an agreement between Canada and England that dropped the import duties to help with Englands recovery after the war and pay back the debt owed to Canada. Consequently there are quite a few differences between the machines, not the least of which is that the English made machines used 1 1/8" attachments while the US machines used 1 1/4" parts. I will compare the 1950 and 1951 Canadian machine to this one in the next reply here.

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Post# 473843 , Reply# 1   10/25/2024 at 21:55 by Collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
Just to compare the US Apex machines to the English Bylock machines the first photo shows some of the differences.

To begin with the motor is entirely different. The US motor is 4.5 A while the English motor is 4.4 A

The basic design of the machines is the same but the switch cover on the Apex machine is chrome while the Bylock machines was painted

The colour of the machines is different with the Bylock being more blueish with a very pronounced hammertone look while the Apex is more greyish with only a subtle hammertone

The name plate on the Bylock made President is silver while the Apex one is gold and the lettering is very different.

While State Vacuum in the US continued with the same model for several years State Vacuum in Canada brought out a new model pretty much every year with subtle (and not so subtle) changes. The 1951 model (second picture) saw the color changed to a reddish purple and the hose connection was changed to a threaded connection rather than the US Apex style connection that was on the 1950 model

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