Thread Number: 45872  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Oreck XL insight help.
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Post# 473757   10/20/2024 at 10:40 by Kirbyman65 (USA)        

kirbyman65's profile picture
I was replacing a cord for a friend on an oreck xl insight, but upon opening it up the fan was jammed. usually this is an easy fix but oreck made this model so that you can take the fan casing off without taking off the fan. I thought I wouldn’t have to take the fan off, but I can’t take whatever’s in the fan out. I’m trying to take the fan off but the bolt is stuck. Any tips for this Oreck?

Post# 473762 , Reply# 1   10/20/2024 at 14:04 by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
I've been playing with a bunch of Orecks lately, but I've never removed a fan, and I have no experience with that model.
The only thing I might be able to offer, and you probably already know it, is that I believe the threads on the fan are reversed. In other words, righty loosey, lefty tighty.
Don't imagine that helps, but it's all I got.

Post# 473768 , Reply# 2   10/21/2024 at 00:22 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
If you can't get anything unjammed in the fan regardless if you removed the housing or not, you're gonna have no choice but to get a whole new fan housing for it as the fan is simply not designed to be separate from the housing. My XL Platinum has the same issue and it's getting a new fan housing. That being said, see if this video helps out or not.

Post# 473781 , Reply# 3   10/21/2024 at 20:20 by Kirbyman65 (USA)        
Thanks for the info

kirbyman65's profile picture
I just got a great deal on a new motor. This machine also needed a cord so I expected to pay alot. But on eBay I stumbled across a new motor with a cord for a great price.

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