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Fell off the wagon again.
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Post# 473739   10/19/2024 at 16:14 by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Well…this may or may not come as a surprise.
I went back to the thrift store where I saw the Hoover that I mentioned walking away from yesterday in another thread.
Today, my head hangeth in shame. I reasoned with myself that, if it was still there today, I would buy it. Well, it was, and I did.
But…wait! There’s more!
Not only did I buy that one, but I did sort of a “bogo”. Well, technically, I didn’t “get one”. So, I guess it was more of a “bobao”. Buy one, buy another one.
In addition to the Soft & Light, there was another Hoover Encore. This one, a Quik Broom. I already have a Quik Broom, but it’s the type with the permanent cloth filter bag, like a Regina. This one has the bigger dust cup, with the little cloth filter above it. I justified this purchase because of the different dust collection design, and the fact that they were both Encores of similar vintage. I couldn’t leave one of them behind!
I’m attaching a few pictures of them, in their “as found” state.
I’m sure I’ll be coming to you with questions, as I start to get into the cleaning process.
“My name is Barry, and I’m a vacaholic.” Vacuholic?
When’s the next meeting?

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Post# 473740 , Reply# 1   10/19/2024 at 17:15 by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

bagintheback's profile picture
Interesting! Both Encores. The 90s Hoovers seem to get rarer (and more valuable) by the day.

My parents had almost the exact same Elite but it was called a Decade instead of Encore. Same Soft & Light and Triple Filtration System logo and color. I was told they bought it from Target.

Maybe Encore was exclusive to certain retailers?

Post# 473741 , Reply# 2   10/19/2024 at 18:02 by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Hmmm. Could be. I’d have to defer to one of the resident Hoover experts on that one.
I believe the Runabout series was exclusive to some store. Was it K-Mart?

Post# 473753 , Reply# 3   10/20/2024 at 07:48 by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture
There was a stick vac like that on the curb a few weeks ago, along with a Bissell PowerForce bagless upright. Kinda wish I’d gotten it, but the next time I drive by, someone had taken both.

My reason for not grabbing it was I already have a later purple one. lol

Post# 473761 , Reply# 4   10/20/2024 at 13:47 by wstonehockertv (North Carolina)        

I know the Runabout was a Kmart exclusive, but was the Encore exclusive to Target?

Post# 473778 , Reply# 5   10/21/2024 at 18:21 by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Okay. I have my first stupid question about one of these vacuums.
Can anyone explain how this bag/filter thing goes in the stick vac?
I’m pretty sure it was in wrong when I got it. There are little notches around the sides of it, that line up perfectly with the ribs inside the dirt cup. But, it was in the opposite way, which caused little dents in the grey part. And, it’s harder to get it to latch in place that way too.
Do the rubbery spider leg things go down, into the dirt cup, or up into the body of the vacuum?
I’ve tried looking for YouTube videos, and I haven’t found one with the same set-up.

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Post# 473785 , Reply# 6   10/22/2024 at 08:13 by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
Hoover filter/cup

This is often wrong and may have a picture stamped in red on one side of the cloth showing correct position.First trust what the notches and ribs are telling you.Then push cloth up and around plastic cage.This allows it to push in the center as with some 1940s GE tanks for more surface area and airflow.There were 3 generations of Hoover brooms that were very good,very bad and good.

Post# 473787 , Reply# 7   10/22/2024 at 09:22 by JustJunque (Western MA)        
Thanks, Jimmy.

justjunque's profile picture
I'm still trying to get it, but that helps.
Oh, that would be wonderful if there was a picture showing the correct orientation. Unfortunately, this one doesn't have it. I was sure the notches and ribs had to line up though. It's just a natural fit that way.
Just out of curiosity; where would you say this model ranks in the "very good, very bad, and good"?
Also, would you happen to have any of these filters kicking around the store? Maybe even one that would have the aforementioned diagram?

Post# 473789 , Reply# 8   10/22/2024 at 09:52 by Rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
Hoover broom

Yours would be the good. On the very bad the dirt hit the fan, went to upper cloth bag and dropped to dirt cup. The first very good had paper bag and could use real attachments. Just push the cloth until nothing hangs below notches and plastic cage is still seen. I have only seen early without cage.

Post# 473801 , Reply# 9   10/22/2024 at 14:20 by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Okay. So, I think you mean the ones that were very much like a Regina Electrikbroom were not so good.
I actually have one of those as well. It's a blue Quik Broom II, with a three-speed switch.
I also have two actual Electrikbrooms. I don't know why... I just have a thing for them. The Electrikbrooms, that is. I scored them both at thrift stores, dirt cheap, and they're both in great condition.
I believe I have the filter for the Hoover the way it's supposed to go. Seems like a sort of odd set-up. But, if it gets the job done...
All of my "stick vacs" are basically just for the collection. I don't see myself putting any of them to a lot of use. I just think they're fun, and I like how they look.
That being said, I still want to make sure I have the thing put together correctly.
Thank you again.

Post# 473837 , Reply# 10   10/25/2024 at 15:20 by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Well, with the stick vac about as done as I can get it, unless I'm able to locate the little square secondary filter, I moved on to taking a closer look at the Soft & Light.
It's not as minty as I thought it was.
Plus, after tinkering with Orecks lately, I'm completely overwhelmed with this thing. I don't have any idea how any of it comes apart for cleaning. I don't even know how the outer bag comes off, or if it's safe to wash it. I read a comment from someone somewhere, and they said their lettering washed off when they did theirs.
I really wish someone with an ounce of knowledge about this stuff lived near me!
This is how a few of my machines have gotten set aside and never revisited. I get overwhelmed, confused, and finally discouraged. So, I give up on them.
Sorry. I don't mean to subject you to my pity party. This hobby, as well as this forum are supposed to be fun. Then, along comes Debbie Downer.

Post# 473876 , Reply# 11   10/27/2024 at 15:54 by JustJunque (Western MA)        
And, the proverbial towel has been thrown in

justjunque's profile picture
Sorry to say, I've admitted defeat.
The Elite style Soft & Light is just too much for me. I've finally found videos showing how to service the brushroll and belt, as well as how to remove the outer bag for washing.
In both cases, lots of prying tabs out of slots. And this one feels like its never been apart, and the plastic feels very brittle. I can just see the tabs breaking off.
Plus, the video I watched regarding the bag was the second time I've seen someone say that the logos and lettering on the bag may very well come off when you wash it. I don't want that to happen. For me, that's an important part of the appearance of the vacuum.
I'm quite disappointed, because I like the looks of these machines. It's just way beyond my abilities.

Post# 474708 , Reply# 12   12/19/2024 at 22:46 by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, IN)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

I never seen that Hoover stick labeled "Encore". Mine is titled "Portapower". Yours must be pretty rare.

The bag printing coming off depends on how it is applied, and how you wash it, as well as color bleeding. Have to know the right methods to wash and the right detergent to use. You have to hand wash them, no washer and dryer. If you have a steam cleaner you might be able to get away with steam cleaning it rather than a complete soak, not sure if that would help the filtration any though and loosening dirt out of the fabric pores.

Post# 474716 , Reply# 13   12/20/2024 at 12:52 by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Thanks Husky.
I only hand wash vacuum bags anyway; even ones that I've been told can go in the washer.
And I never put them in the dryer.
That particular Hoover is another one that I put aside and haven't revisited. Removing the outer bag and trying to access the belt and brushroll all require trying to pry plastic tabs out of slots. And, the plastic just feels so brittle, I can't imagine I wouldn't end up breaking at least some of the tabs.
Then, the fear of washing the logos off the bag. I love the looks of the vacuum, so it would be nice if I could actually try it out some day. But, if I break it, I'm not going to be able to use it anyway. So, like so many of my other vacuums, I just kind of gave up on it.

As for the Encore stick vac; I didn't really find a lot of references to it online, or in YouTube videos. The roadblock with that one is the little square, plastic "pre motor" filter. It's discontinued, and I can't even find any floating around the secondary market. Maybe it's not that crucial, but I just like everything that's supposed to be there to be there.

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