Thread Number: 45865  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
What's the consensus on 90s and 00s Eurekas?
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Post# 473680   10/15/2024 at 20:10 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

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Compared to the other big box brands, Eureka is one I've probably got the least nostalgia for. I've only owned like 2 of their machines, and have used some of my school's Sanitares a handful of times. I've been toying around with the idea of getting some 90s and 2000s Eurekas, but am not sure where to start, due to the plethora of variations of the same machines. I've pretty much narrowed my list of wanted machines down to a few options:

*A green Eureka Victory EnviroVac
*A Eureka the Boss Bravo II Special Edition
*A Eureka the Boss SmartVac Pet Lover's Edition (though not entirely decided on that model specifically).
*A Sanitare Force bagged or bagless model.

This list doesn't do justice to the machines that I have fledgling interest in, just the ones that I'd for sure like to get if I were to get those styles of machines. However, with little to no experience with these machines under my belt, I can't really gauge their quality like I can with Maytag Hoovers or Samsung Bissells. From what little I've seen of them, they seem like more cheaply-made versions of Hoovers from this time. Am I correct in this consensus? Or am I completely wrong?

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Post# 473684 , Reply# 1   10/15/2024 at 22:21 by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

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I think the only outstanding Eureka vacuums from those decades are as follows:

1. Eureka Bravo One 7amp upright with no tools (around 1993)
2. Eureka SmartVac upright with suction diverter dial and brushroll shut-off (early 2000’s?)
3. Eureka World Vac power nozzle canister (around 1992)
4. Eureka Excaliber power nozzle canister (around 1993)

These were exceptional deep carpet cleaners that were easy to use. The canisters had very good suction for above-the-floor cleaning too.

Post# 473686 , Reply# 2   10/16/2024 at 00:45 by EvolutionClean1 (Nampa, Idaho)        
I love mine

For 90s Eureka models, I have these 3. The Boss Power Plus is absolutely pristine and so quiet, it's become a daily driver. I'm running the Filter Aire bags to keep it clean and it's very happy. The Excalibur and the Mighty Mite II seem to be a matching pair and work well together. Overall I love these machines, they all perform just as well as any modern machines, and honestly? The build quality is very good for all plastic 🤷 granted I baby my stuff and there's *probably* a reason theyre not so common nowadays, but hey, I'm happy with them

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Post# 473689 , Reply# 3   10/16/2024 at 08:50 by kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture

In my opinion Bravos were a cheap Elite copy. Not many collectors like them. The Excalibur is bulky and has weak tool suction from my experience. The standard F&G platform was and is the still the best from Eureka. 

Post# 473691 , Reply# 4   10/16/2024 at 13:41 by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
But the Bravos had a much bigger bag than the Elites and cleaned carpeting just as well.

Post# 473692 , Reply# 5   10/16/2024 at 14:45 by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
kloveland wrote:
The standard F&G platform was and is the still the best from Eureka.

I reply:
I have to agree, although I must also admit to having a special love for the Eureka canisters from the early '80s on back, as my grandmother's 1977 model Princess with its power nozzle (wish I still had that machine) opened my eyes to the true potential of what a canister can be. Also, I have to admit I don't really have much experience with newer Eurekas, as all but one that I've owned dates from a five-year period between 1977 and 1982, beginning with the aforementioned Princess. Others from that era include a Sanitaire SC686A upright (1978), Eureka 1746 "Ironsides" canister (1980), which I bought as sort of a replacement for the Princess, and Eureka 2091 ESP upright (1982). The one outlier is my blue series Sanitaire Professional S645 (2012), which is an old school F&G design that is almost identical to the 2091. That machine is ample proof that as of twelve years ago, Eureka was still building at least some them like they used to.

Post# 473694 , Reply# 6   10/16/2024 at 18:46 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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There are definitely some Hoovers back in the day that are better than Eureka, but there are also some Eurekas that are better than Hoover in my opinion. I've always liked Eureka more than Hoover, that's why they're my second favorite vacuum brand/company. The Bravos although cheaply made, I find they're lighter and easier to work with than a Elite. I definitely like them as a collector and would absolutely buy one over a Elite. I also like the Victories, the handles are better for my back and I also prefer the top fill type AA bags. I'd also buy one over a Windtunnel. And the Whirlwind Litespeeds (now sold as Sanitaire today) is one of the best non cyclonic bagless uprights if you're alright with messing with the filters, way better than the Hoover twin chambers and even the Korean bagless Bissells. However I never cared about the Smart Vacs, lots of people do but I'm not one of them. They did made them as bagless at one point until Dyson shortly told them they couldn't do that.

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