Thread Number: 45863  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
I found a ProTeam ProForce 1500XP In The Trash.
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Post# 473673   10/15/2024 at 11:41 by Kewrock (NYC)        

Hello everyone. Even though I have a half dozen Electrolux Vacs, This is my first time on a Vac Forum. I have my home, an office and an apartment that I keep Electrolux uprights on hand. I have a tank in the garage for the cars and sawdust. Plus a couple more tanks I've found along the way. (I'm a bit of a hoarder). My house vac is my mom's original from almost 40 years ago. They are all Epic/Genesis series of different years and colors that I picked up in the trash or thrift stores. I disassemble, sanitize and fix whatever they need.

So today I found ProForce 1500XP at the curb in surprisingly clean shape. The cords were cut off as per City law. The only reason I noticed it was because it bares a striking resemblance to the Electrolux uprights. Like some parts seem identical. Is there a connection? I glanced around the interwebs. Seems no one really knows, and the company seems vague about it. Consensus is it's a Chinese knockoff of one of the newest Electrolux models?

Is this thing worth messing with? Off the bat, it needs both cords and a complete teardown and sanitizing. One of the cords seems to be around $60, so I'll probably be making my own. I know they're expensive, but that doesn't mean they're any good, or worthwhile used.

Any opinion?...Thanks, Rocco.

Post# 473674 , Reply# 1   10/15/2024 at 12:46 by Kewrock (NYC)        
...Oh Well

I just opened it up. Someone was in it already. The main motor is gone, the reset button is gone, all the safety switches were bypassed along with the circuit board for the warning lights. There is all kinds of splicing and taped wires. Looks like someone was trying to figure out why it didn't work. It did have a brand new bag, 2 new hepas and a new 2-stage filter at the bottom of the chamber.

It's too bad. I know I could've fixed it. Probably still can. It looks like the chamber takes a standard Electrolux motor and mounting donut. I would have to figure out the wiring. This is either an Electrolux product or copied designs. It looks like an extremely well made machine. But I don't need another machine. And to cannibalize one of my working machines would be silly. It doesn't look like they made any performance improvements whatsoever, except a bigger hepa system. And I hate the accordion style stretch hose.

Post# 473698 , Reply# 2   10/16/2024 at 19:33 by Blackheart (North Dakota)        
Too bad!

blackheart's profile picture
Unfortunate that it was missing vital components! You should know though that these used a much stronger motor than the original Electroluxs The one i've got has a 2 stage domel made motor.

I quite like the machine it is supposed to be my daily driver due to it's features and low cost of consumables. It's hose setup is a little lacking but what machine is truly perfect?

Post# 473707 , Reply# 3   10/17/2024 at 12:00 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
ProTeam used to be made by Electrolux, then sold it's Lux 4000 design to them and made their own copy. Made some improvements over the years. Definitely recommend it, especially over a pricey Aerus.

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