Thread Number: 45834  /  Tag: Pre-1950 Vacuum Cleaners
Kirby Midel 3C , 2 versions exist.
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Post# 473475   9/30/2024 at 19:01 by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        

odavid123's profile picture
Did you know that there were two versions for the 1939-1940 Kirby 3C ?
Can you name the differences ?

I will post here the differences in 3 days if no one knows :)
It’s not on my website yet so no cheating 😆

Post# 473477 , Reply# 1   9/30/2024 at 20:44 by kwalsh97214 (Portland)        
Am I getting warm?

kwalsh97214's profile picture
An educated guess (which is different than cheating) is that the later (1940) 3C version began to share modifications/features that would become standard on the 4C soon to be introduced.

Post# 473501 , Reply# 2   10/2/2024 at 16:45 by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        

odavid123's profile picture
You are correct of course :) the 3C we are all familiar with resembles the 4C that came after it but the very first units looked more like the 2C . I’ll be uploading the 2 different 3C instruction books ( yes there were 2 different ones) along with pics of the first box and attachments imagery to the site in the next few days . The box did change with the later model 3C. Optional attachments were also included with the 3C that were not with the later 3C.

Another bonus will be the addition of the very first Vacuette electric to my site in the next few weeks . I’ll announce it on my vintage website thread .

Post# 473511 , Reply# 3   10/4/2024 at 09:36 by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
So happy I was able to help you with the Vacuette Electric and the 1C, along with the 3C box and tools and book. We took great care in packing them up for the long trip from MO to CA. You are definitely the "Kirby King".

Post# 473512 , Reply# 4   10/4/2024 at 12:44 by odavid123 (Los Angeles ca )        

odavid123's profile picture
Thank you so much I truly appreciate it 😊

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