Thread Number: 45826  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
U4403 Zipper Puzzle
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Post# 473376   9/26/2024 at 10:45 by rotary01 (maryland)        

My bag zipper pull became separated from one side of the zipper when I was trying to change the bag this morning.. guess i pulled it down too far.

How on Earth do I fix this? I tried restarting the zipper from the inside but it doesn't make it around the plastic bag clamp. I cant rotate the clamp ends in any way to allow it to pass by. Do I have to bend the zipper open? This must have happened to someone else.

Please any advice and I would be grateful.

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Post# 473379 , Reply# 1   9/26/2024 at 13:40 by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture

I’m sorry I can’t help you. But, I have a vintage Eureka, and the same thing happened.
Like you, I’ve tried everything I could think of, and I just can’t get the zipper back on track.

Post# 473380 , Reply# 2   9/26/2024 at 13:54 by rotary01 (maryland)        
Zpper fixed

Somehow I fixed it.

I expanded one of the zipper pulls openings, and ran the zipper pull, one side, from the bottom around the clamp to the top of the bag.
Next, pushed the pull over the other side of the zipper. Squeezed a couple zipper tongs together and pulled it down past that point.. Squeezed zipper back together when I was satisfied it worked. I also lubricated the zipper with candle wax.

It helped that I had another similar Hoover so I knew which end of the zipper pull was up ;-) Will be much more careful and make sure handle is released (might have been problem) in the future.

Post# 473387 , Reply# 3   9/27/2024 at 09:07 by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
Glad you got it fixed. I hate when stuff like that happens.

Post# 473389 , Reply# 4   9/27/2024 at 09:41 by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture
im glad you fixed it i was not sure how to fix this never had a soft bag vac

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