Thread Number: 45825  /  Tag: Web Site Related Posts
What vacuum started it all?
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Post# 473371   9/25/2024 at 18:35 by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
Just a general question for those on this lovely website!!!! We all had atleast one machine that got us into the world of vacuums. Im curious what yours were?

Post# 473373 , Reply# 1   9/25/2024 at 21:59 by Human (Pines of Carolina)        
Whack-o for Vac-o's...

human's profile picture
The phrase "got us into the world of vacuums" can be interpreted in a couple of ways, and thus point to different machines. If by that phrase, you mean the first vacuum cleaner that made any sort of an impression on me, that would be a late '50s vintage Lewyt canister we had when I was little. It was pink on top and charcoal gray on the bottom with pink tools. By the time I was four, I could change the tools and replace the bags. I felt like I was the master of that machine, and it felt good to have that sort of agency.

All that said, the one that turned me into an enthusiast or a 'vacuholic', take your pick, was a Kirby Gsix 2001 Limited Edition that I rescued from a dumpster about twelve years ago. It was in great shape, needing only a bag and a new belt. Seeking information on that machine, I went online and stumbled across Vacuumland, The rest, as they say, is history. A few months later, I found a Gsix tool set for it at a thrift store for $4 and change. I like to think I reunited them.

Post# 473434 , Reply# 2   9/29/2024 at 01:38 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I'm sure my very first vacuum that I've ever seen or at least that I can remember was the Panasonic MC-V7387 from our first cabin.

But the one that started my interest in vacuums was the red toy Dirt Devil Upright that's basically the Deluxe/MVP version. Got it as a Christmas present back in 1998.

Post# 473453 , Reply# 3   9/30/2024 at 09:39 by Kirbyman65 (USA)        
A oreck

kirbyman65's profile picture
My grandma was who I think started it all. She had an oreck intellasheaild for a long time, she also had a buster b I would constantly carry around when I was young, additionally I had a toy vacuum. I wish I could remember what year she had gotten that oreck.

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Post# 473463 , Reply# 4   9/30/2024 at 13:08 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I'm confused. Your birthdate on your profile shows you were born in the 70's yet those Intellashield models were introduced in 2008.

Post# 473473 , Reply# 5   9/30/2024 at 17:55 by Kirbyman65 (USA)        

kirbyman65's profile picture
Sorry I must have screwed the date when I set up the account my apologies.

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