Thread Number: 45823  /  Tag: Other Home Products or Autos
Cleaning out the family chariot
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Post# 473355   9/24/2024 at 02:45 by Adam-aussie-vac ( Canberra, Australia )        

adam-aussie-vac's profile picture
So I’ve got a question for you guys. How often do you guys vacuum and shampoo the seats carpets etc. Etc in your car and what do you use if it’s at home or if it’s At a Car Wash place

I’m just kind of curious because I use something that there’s not very much documentation about

The manufacturer is still in business but the only thing they ever said when I asked them about it, All they said was is “yes we made it” and that’s it

Point of reference I picked it up from my former workplace

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Post# 473360 , Reply# 1   9/24/2024 at 12:12 by human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
I gave up years ago on automated car washes, as they all seem to be optimized for taller vehicles like pickups and monster SUVs, so they consistently miss the horizontal surfaces on my traditional sedan. About three or four times a year, I take my daily driver to a car wash across the road from where I work. It's operated by a halfway house for men recovering from addiction, and serves as both a revenue source and a way to teach the men the value of teamwork and a job well done. They charge $15-$20, depending on the size of the vehicle, to hand clean both the interior and exterior, and they are very detail oriented. The car always looks great when they're done and I feel good about supporting a worthy cause. They just use wet/dry shop vacs to vacuum the cars.

Between those deep cleanings, I occasionally vacuum the carpets with one of my Oreck BB mini vacs. I seldom shampoo them, especially since they're black and show little in the way of stains. My previous car had a tan interior, and I would spot clean the carpet as needed with a spray shampoo like Relsolve or some generic Walmart equivalent. I used to really like Woolite Rug Cleaner, but I haven't seen that one in the stores for quite some time. I have considered mixing up some carpet shampoo in the sprayer for one of my Kirbys, but like anything related to attachments for a Kirby, it's a pretty laborious proposition to reconfigure the machine.

Post# 473366 , Reply# 2   9/25/2024 at 05:41 by Adam-aussie-vac ( Canberra, Australia )        
So what kind of automatic Car washes were they?

adam-aussie-vac's profile picture
As I’ll be honest, if my other thing apart from washing machine and vacuums is Car washes so I can actually help you find a place that does a decent job with automatic Car washes as a suggestion if you’re interested

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