Thread Number: 45803  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
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Post# 473237   9/15/2024 at 15:20 by JesseD (Saint Marys, Pennsylvania)        

Hey everyone just wondering where the go to place is to find parts now days. I used to work at the hardware store in my town which used to repair vacuums.
They sourced parts from steel city vac however I cannot seem to get parts through that store anymore
Steel city vac does not sell parts to individuals so I was wondering where to source parts for my machines

Post# 473238 , Reply# 1   9/15/2024 at 16:39 by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

That all depends on what parts you're looking for and how often you need to purchase them. When it comes to older parts, you'll have a better chance finding them through members on this site or if your local vacuum store still has some old inventory kicking around.

Post# 473239 , Reply# 2   9/15/2024 at 16:49 by JesseD (Saint Marys, Pennsylvania)        

I do not have a local vacuum store dealer but I am looking for general parts that have been made aftermarket.
Brush roll bearing for Hoovers
Brush strips

General stuff. I’m looking for a place where I can look up the schematics by model number and then find the parts

When I was at the hardware store we used but since I left it is hard for me to get parts because the store does not order parts that much anymore and that company only deals with businesses

Post# 473288 , Reply# 3   9/17/2024 at 22:49 by JesseD (Saint Marys, Pennsylvania)        
Eureka 1931

Looking right now for Eureka 1931 bumper and outer bag.

Post# 473490 , Reply# 4   10/1/2024 at 21:39 by Jo (Dallas,TX)        
Ive had some luck on….


Post# 473503 , Reply# 5   10/2/2024 at 19:14 by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
I buy a lot of my parts off of eBay. The vendors I end up using most there are EZ Vacuum Parts, and of course Kirbyfans, but I believe I saw on here that Kent Oyler, the owner of the latter, has passed away and his wife is winding down the business, selling off existing inventory. Of course, sometimes I find parts in oddball places, like the time I needed a replacement front caster for an Electrolux Silverado Deluxe I was resurrecting, and found one off the shelf at Lowe's that would fit. I had to turn the mounting plate a little crooked to get the screw holes to line up, but it worked. And a two-pack for $5 was a whole lot better than about $12 for a second-hand OEM one on eBay.

I think growing scarcity of replacement parts is due to manufacturers realizing the best way to force consumers to buy new vacuums--or appliances of any sort--is to make sure they can't repair what they've already got, whether it's by making parts unavailable or designing new machines to be unrepairable out of the box. I'm a huge fan of the Right to Repair movement and its focus advocating for legislation to ensure our stuff is designed to be repaired and manufacturers are prevented from imposing artificial barriers to repairability.

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