Thread Number: 45792  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
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Post# 473187   9/12/2024 at 23:06 by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
This was one of those vacuums I saw in a store as a kid that I only dreamed of having one day, such a cool design for an Elite. The body of a Preferred, and the sleek power head of a caddy vac! This is a Hoover Breathe Easy manufactured in August of 2002. 12 amp model, so closer to the end of the lineup. But MAN this thing sounds like a jet engine!!!!!! Hoover used to make absolute beasts of machines and these were among them. Looks alot more purple irl than it does red but it's a beautiful color. Maytag Hoover will forever be my favorite era, as it is the one that jumpstarted my vacuum interest.

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Post# 473194 , Reply# 1   9/13/2024 at 10:21 by Powerstarenergy (Portland, Tennessee)        
Hoover’s Maytag Era

powerstarenergy's profile picture
I feel as if Hoover’s Maytag Era was experimental, if that is a good way to describe it. They used molds and designs from their other machines and made new ones, with bases of Caddy-Vacs and bodies of Elites and Preferreds. One of my favorite/most wanted vacuums comes from this era. My Grandma from my dad’s side (Who passed away in April) used to have a Hoover Powermax II with Softguard. She had it until she got rid of it because it was getting to be too heavy for her. I want to find one again one day.

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Post# 473197 , Reply# 2   9/13/2024 at 11:59 by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
I love hearing when someone finds one of their dream vacuums!
It looks really nice! Enjoy!

Post# 473199 , Reply# 3   9/13/2024 at 12:56 by VacsofProsper (TX)        

vacsofprosper's profile picture
Very nice Hoover upright! I noticed it's almost complete with attachments. All it's missing is the Elite style dusting brush in tan. Unfortunately those are a bit tricky to find but a tan Windtunnel dusting brush will be a good replacement till you come across the correct part.

Post# 473202 , Reply# 4   9/13/2024 at 18:41 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
A neighbor of mine owns a beach house down in California. I had an opportunity one time to go visit during Easter weekend of 2003 and used one of those. From my understanding, it was recently bought to replace their blue Hoover bagless twin chamber that was an Elite they also had because from what I was told it broke. Still have a picture of me and the two Hoovers but they were taken from the back side. It was a fun machine, I remember my first impression was how the vacuum had no suction at all until I later realized the hose had to be inserted. During that same trip, we spent the night at their guest apartment I think it was and I remember the two vacuums that were there as well. A green Eureka The Boss Value Pack 7686 with the hand vac it came with and a blue Dirt Devil Swivel Glide 086315. Afterwards it was back to Anaheim where we continued our Disneyland trip at the hotel we were staying at with the Sanitaire SC886 the maids used. And during the trip back home we stayed at a friend's Vegas apartment that had a Dirt Devil Featherlite. I thought at first it was a Featherlite Plus 085550 because I could've sworn it had a stretch hose but then I realized it couldn't have because I thought I remember seeing the headlight lens which if it did I remember the light didn't work. Unless this was a totally different Dirt Devil that I can't find online because for certain it wasn't the model 085560 as I clearly remembered it was green. Maybe it was actually a 085540 all this time but I don't remember much anymore.

Post# 473295 , Reply# 5   9/18/2024 at 15:40 by VacsofProsper (TX)        

vacsofprosper's profile picture
Do you ever plan on making a video of your Breathe Easy? 😏

Post# 474568 , Reply# 6   12/13/2024 at 18:34 by VacsofProsper (TX)        

vacsofprosper's profile picture
I got the same model you have for Christmas! My sister got it for me from eBay and it's in good condition. All it needed was a good clean up and some attachments. I also installed a CWP brushroll, LED light bulb, and a HEPA bag.

Post# 474577 , Reply# 7   12/13/2024 at 21:27 by VacsofProsper (TX)        

vacsofprosper's profile picture
Hey I noticed your Breathe Easy was made in August 2002. Mine was made September of that same year too.

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