Thread Number: 45788  /  Tag: Small Appliances
Hoover Junior u1012
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Post# 473140   9/8/2024 at 09:19 by Scmeyer (Potchefstroom )        

Good day

I am new to the site. And not very clued up with how you guys working on here, but just would like to share with you a second hand Hoover Junior U1012 I have purchased I think 3 to 4 years ago just post COVID-19.

I am struggling tho to keep up with belts for this machine because it keeps on snapping. I just would like to know if I am doing something wrong or is my settings to low. Is a rubber belt better or must I try and go for silicon belts.

Kind regards

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Post# 473169 , Reply# 1   9/10/2024 at 09:26 by Kirbyman65 (USA)        

kirbyman65's profile picture
Hi I’ve never had that exact Hoover but there might be one thing you could try. Some times the belt is put on the spindle incorrectly. I’ll put a photo on how it should look. If it’s on the right way and still snapping, put on a new belt, adjust it to the highest setting, turn it on then lower till you hear a change in the sound of the motor.
Hope you get it fixed -J
(sorry the belt is a little hard to see)

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Post# 473172 , Reply# 2   9/10/2024 at 15:00 by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Could it be a brushroll problem? Either stuff caught in the ends, causing it to be harder to spin, or perhaps bearings needing service?
I'm a novice myself. Just throwing ideas out there.
I hope you get it figured out!


Post# 473177 , Reply# 3   9/11/2024 at 15:25 by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
I had a similar issue with a Sanitaire. The spindle on the motor had worn down and the bearings on the brush roll were bad. Between the two, it was snapping belts right and left. The problem was resolved when I replaced both the spindle and the brush roll. Perhaps something similar is going on with your Hoover.

Post# 473206 , Reply# 4   9/14/2024 at 02:24 by Scmeyer (Potchefstroom )        

Thank you for all the replies that's been handed over to me. Well looks like I am getting it right because the brush was quite stiff at ends, places them in qt40 the bearings for a while and turned the end Kaps just up so that the lock into the system it self. So looks like it was working because no snapped belt, but I have good news, my newest addition to my collection is complete and all up and running, now the two machines is back to there old self, both of them from the same year 74. The senior ranger was in Feb 74 and the junior as you know now that I had for a couple of years was made in Apr 74. What an honour it is to have some history in my house hold that's working like they have been working the day they was bought off the shelf a. Please see the picture and I hope you all appreciate the little history I have brought back to life again... I know the Hoover rangers lense has discolored and is a bit cracked I noted and don't know how to get that fixed. But hey, the are working now like newly from the selves. I am so please with this. The Hoover rangers is originated from great Britten from the Hoover company that year it self and the junior from the Hoover company South Africa Pty when it's factory was still here available before it was taken away when we became independent. So wishing the Hoover company will reopen a factory to get stock and spares for this machines, because they were build to last for years and years. Little bit of grease and oil and they all good to go again for menu more to come. Or what do you all say about that. Kind regards and happy hoovering as it beats as it sweeps as it cleans. 🌏

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