Thread Number: 45764  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
What vacuum is this?
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Post# 472980   8/27/2024 at 18:47 by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
Put this in the 80s spot because I really cant tell, but I came across this pic of a vacuum shop and IDK what vacuum this is? It definitely looks older but I dont know how old. IDK if it is but is it the base of a metal Convertible? Just was curious.

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Post# 472981 , Reply# 1   8/27/2024 at 19:57 by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        

hoover300's profile picture
It has a Hoover pd control arm
I am putting my money on a power drive DAM. Likely the white, square front cover model. Number is escaping me

Post# 472982 , Reply# 2   8/27/2024 at 20:11 by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
I didnt even think of the D-A-M line but you're right! I see the power drive arm. I looked it up and the white one was 1178?

Post# 473007 , Reply# 3   8/29/2024 at 01:21 by bnsd60m9200 (Akron OH)        

bnsd60m9200's profile picture
thats the base of an 1178 power drive dial a matic from 1974/5. here are the spec sheets for that machine

also thats from the hoarder lady who owns irving vacuum in irving texas. she hates collectors. someone will really score decent stuff from that shop when she dies. she REFUSES to sell any old vacs thinking collectors will just rip her off and flip her stuff. when in reality its money for stuff no one else cares about but us.

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Post# 473013 , Reply# 4   8/29/2024 at 12:43 by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
Not the first Texas vacuum shop to be “anti-collector”.

I’ve run into 3 old established dealerships in other parts of Texas and the owners just aren’t interested in selling machines from their graveyard. An owner of a Kirby dealership flat out told me that he’s seen what Scott and Fetzer Sanitation Systems go for on eBay and I should think seriously about my offer before he lets me into his back warehouse. I told I was interested in the off brands that were traded in for Kirbys over the years and that didn’t impress him either. He told me there was “too much liability” with allowing customers in the warehouse.
I work in Oil/Gas and travel a great deal, so I’m always finding vacuum shops where I least expect them. I’ve noticed that every town where I was turned away just happened to be old oil boom towns that dried up and left the brick and mortar retailers behind.

Post# 473014 , Reply# 5   8/29/2024 at 13:10 by Eureka1998 (New York )        
Don't know if this counts but....

eureka1998's profile picture
There was a store I went to a few months ago where there was some 00s vacuums in the windows display. There are stores that sell refurbished models and I figured I'd give it a shot. On Google maps the display kept changing so I figured those machines in the windows kept getting sold. I went in and asked if the Windtunnel Plus with dirt finder and red translucent bag door was for sale. Really great and nice looking cleaner. Alas, they were only display pieces. I don't always know if shop owners are collectors themselves so I just say bs like I'm looking for a refurbished vac because the older ones are usually better. They always try to sell me a $500+ Riccar or Sebo I have no interest in. I don't really see such a difference performance wise. I just go yup yup mmhmm and then walk out.

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