Thread Number: 45763
/ Tag: Member Selling Item(s)/Non Professionally
Finally Letting Go… |
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Post# 472974   8/27/2024 at 13:59 by OpelGTKarl (Puyallup, Washington)   |   | |
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Hello everyone! As the title reads for this post, I am finally ready to let go of some of the pieces that were in the collection of my late friend Jason Huber, or you may have remembered him as Jae Devine. For those that don’t know or hadn’t heard yet, Jae was killed back in September 2021 in an altercation for the theft of his bicycle. Shortly after that, I went to Kansas to help clean out his house and secure his collection in a storage unit until I could come back and bring it back in a U-Haul truck . Back in May, I was finally able to bring his collection back to Washington and since then have been going through piece by piece, evaluating what I will keep versus what is a duplicate and will need to find a new home. All of these machines were meticulously cared for and restored, but for a lot of them, it has been a long time since that, so I am selling everything in this post AS IS. I would like to keep any dealmaking private as I want these machines to go to the best possible homes as they were loved and cherished as though they were never going anywhere but unexpectedly had to. I am starting with these five machines, but I will be adding to this post as I continue to go through and evaluate what I will be keeping. I will include my email at the bottom of this message, so please email me there or for those that would rather discuss things on Facebook, my name is Konstellation Karl. For those interested in trades, I am very selective of what I will be acquiring these days as I am very low on space, but for the right things that I am looking for, I may be interested. However, being that it took me three years to save up to bring everything home, I am more in need of the space as well as the funds. For those that are serious, please contact me and we can discuss everything further about payment as well as shipping arrangements. Anything not sold or laid claim to will transition to being sold on eBay in the upcoming weeks. Thank you! To start this for sale post, I will begin by posting a beautiful all original, Hoover Convertible Model 65! This example includes its original bag, the original cord, its original red power switch, and minimal hood warpage that These were famous for. The only thing that was missing from this machine when Jae got it, was the piece of chrome trim above the headlight which Jae was able to replicate with a piece of chrome craft metal. Otherwise, it is a very, very nice example of an all original 65. |
Post# 472975 , Reply# 1   8/27/2024 at 14:05 by OpelGTKarl (Puyallup, Washington)   |   | |
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This particular machine is quite a rarity! This was one of Jae’s Prized, wild moss vacuum cleaners. This was known as Eureka’s first wide track and is still a beast, even though it was primarily meant as a residential vacuum. Being that I had one as well, it doesn’t make sense for me to keep both so I am letting go of this one. it is almost all original and features and original chord and brush roll. It does lack the original bag as well as a headlight, and the cord strain relief may need to be replaced. It is in beautiful shape and for someone looking for this particular machine, but may not have had luck finding one or maybe don’t have the finances to acquire an all original example, this would be a perfect machine.
Post# 472976 , Reply# 2   8/27/2024 at 14:09 by OpelGTKarl (Puyallup, Washington)   |   | |
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This next machine was one of his last acquisitions before his passing. As I recall, He had gotten this machine with a group of vacuums from a local janitor that had been saving them for years. Being this one was a local find, he went through the process to service and restore this one for his private collection. This one features the older style Eureka logo on the front of the hood, the original cord and plug, and the original bag. This is a truly beautiful example of a model 2091 and would make any collector proud to have in their collection.
Post# 472977 , Reply# 3   8/27/2024 at 14:14 by OpelGTKarl (Puyallup, Washington)   |   | |
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This particular machine was one that had been in his collection, the longest and traveled with him from his original vacuum room in his duplex to his vacuum gallery in his house. This model 31 is an absolute beautiful shape! Not only was it restored and serviced by him, but it also features the original cord and plug, the original bag, the original foot switch, and no damage to the original hood aside from some scuffs. The only other thing that I can see that isn’t perfect about this machine is the handle, of course was run into quite a lot of furniture and its long history on earth and there is a little tear in the back of the bag up towards the top that I tried to get a picture of, if you are displaying it and looking at it from the front, you can’t see it at all. Keep in mind, this machine is 70 years old and looks fantastic!
Post# 472978 , Reply# 4   8/27/2024 at 14:22 by OpelGTKarl (Puyallup, Washington)   |   | |
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This machine is actually one of mine. Jae and I both had look-alikes of this machine, but his was the earlier original version that was completely restored, while mine was the later re-issuing of this vacuum. Because of that, it is a little bit different than the earlier one that I am keeping from his collection. This machine would’ve originally had a square handle and plastic handle grip in addition to the mustard colored houndstooth bag. Unfortunately, this machine before I got it, had a fall or had an accident where the original handle bale was broken, so the previous owner fixed it with a regular handle and a round handle that went on a Convertible. With that, it has a later handle switch, and cord. I realize this machine is not 100% original, but I treasured it all the same as this is not a very common model to begin with. However, just like the wide track above for someone that is looking for this model and not able to find it, This would be an excellent machine to have in the interim. If one was to make this machine, original, it wouldn’t take much because square handles are still able to be found and if they come with the handle grip, the paint can be matched to the hood. If one was to leave it the way it is, the only thing that I would do if I were keeping it would be to put a white handle grip on it because it had a dark brown one that didn’t match the machine, so I removed it.
Post# 472985 , Reply# 5   8/28/2024 at 08:02 by gottahaveahoove ![]() |
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Post# 473012 , Reply# 6   8/29/2024 at 11:57 by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)   |   | |
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I wish you the best of luck in selling the extra machines you don't need or want from Jason Huber's collection. He certainly had some very nice machines, and I am sure you will have no problem finding interested parties to take them off your hands.
And I want to personally thank you, by the way, for making the effort to go to Kansas and save Jason's collection. You certainly proved to be a true friend! Not many would have gone to the effort you did. And also especially nice that you are making the Konstellation Karl videos on YouTube showing off his collection - I am sure he is beaming down smiling at you for everything you have done. Jason and I may have had our issues at times, but he was a dear friend to me as well, and I was shocked and saddened to hear of his untimely passing. Let's hope his soul found it's way to heaven and he is happy up there and watching over all of us. :-) |
Post# 473015 , Reply# 7   8/29/2024 at 14:26 by gottahaveahoove ![]() |
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Post# 473017 , Reply# 8   8/29/2024 at 19:42 by Lesinutah (Utah)   |   | |
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Post# 473060 , Reply# 9   9/1/2024 at 22:51 by OpelGTKarl (Puyallup, Washington)   |   | |
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Thank you all for the kind messages! It’s certainly a bid undertaking, but I’m getting through it. As to what the status on the other machines asked about, all of those are in my personal collection and I am not selling them at this time. Anything that will be available for sale will be pictured in this post.
Post# 473086 , Reply# 10   9/4/2024 at 10:16 by JesseD (Saint Marys, Pennsylvania)   |   | |
Just emailed you |