Thread Number: 45762  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
Looking for advice on value of Dial-a-matic and Elektrikbroom
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Post# 472970   8/27/2024 at 04:33 by Hillary (Chicago)        

Hello Vacuum Experts,

I come to you asking for your informed perspectives about two items that I want to try to sell on ebay. I am currently in need of the financial assistance so I would like to get what I can, but I don't want to ask for anything outlandish or unfair. They are in good condition and the Hoover seems to have everything from the original purchase in the mid 60s including manual, attachments and box, which I doubt is too common. Also just to show some of this stuff because I think it's pretty cool, and I'm not a collector, so figured others would also appreciate it. Here's the history/ how they came into my possession:

I worked for a gentleman for 6 years as a general household assistant that eventually evolved into a caregiver role. He was a lovely person and we were close, but he was quite a loner. Never married or had kids; I was his emergency and primary contact for the assisted living home he lived at for the last year; he usually spent Thanksgiving with my family. He passed away in Oct 2022 at age 80. His power of attorney who was handling his estate wanted to call 1-800-JUNK to empty out his condo after we donated a good amount of furniture to an organization that distributes it to households in need. But he had some really cool older stuff that I didn't have a use for myself but didn't want to see it just get tossed either. So my partner and I stayed working for his estate for several months to empty out both of his living spaces. Anyway, these vacuums originally belonged to his parents, Harold & Sophie Levison. His name was George Levison. These details aren't important to this post, but there's no one left in this family line and they were good people. So I mention them to preserve their memory in a tiny way, somewhere.

Anyway, Harold was some sort of financial analyst and kept fastidious records, as did George (upon cleaning out his condo, I discovered he had copies of every single tax return since he started working in 1960!). And on the back of the Hoover Dial-a-matic manual, above where the warranty period of one year is explained, is written the date 6-1-65. I am quite sure this means that the warranty either expired on that date (which would mean it was purchased on 6-1-64), or that's the purchase date. So, here's what I have concerning the Hoover:

-Dial-a-matic Model 1110, turquoise and grey
-Original manual
-Original accessories/cleaning tools (I think all, according to the manual) I think the tools are #1101, because that is what is printed on the-
-Original box for the tools (though not in good condition) including
-Clear plastic bag labeled "Cleaning Tools" (I don't think they ever used it)
-1 (maybe 2) replacement agitator belt in original opened packaging (originally 3 pack) original receipt is taped to it- I think it was bought in the 80s
-Unopened pack of Hoover D bags

When I began working for George, that was his vacuum cleaner. I used it periodically for a while, and it works pretty well, EXCEPT- the hose would come disconnected from the bottom base and I would have to stop and reattach it. I don't know if that's an easy fix or not. I eventually stopped using it after getting a more modern one that another condo resident was throwing out. Oh, and also there's some electrical tape around a small piece of the cord (I think, I haven't looked at it in a while).

Second item is less extensive:

-Regina Elektrik broom. Two speed with rug pile dial With this I only have:
- Original manual
-Several replacement bags (I think loose).

... looking at the pictures, I think one of the attachments pictured with the Hoover cleaning tools might be a different kind of head for this one? Can anyone tell?

This one works great and I have not found any defects. It probably wasn't used much.

So, if anyone is still reading this, I would be very grateful for any advice you are able to provide about selling these items - asking prices, if anyone has thoughts on selling via auction vs. the buy it now feature, anything to highlight in descriptions- good or bad that your discerning eyes are trained to notice unlike mine, etc. I can also post additional pictures in the comments of particular parts that I may have missed.

I will end this here; I apologize for the very lengthy post and thank you very much to whoever read it all and especially thank you in advance for any and all helpful information anyone can provide!


(in Chicago)

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Post# 472971 , Reply# 1   8/27/2024 at 08:10 by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
Hoover & Regina

The Dial-a-Matic was a new type of upright when introduced in 1963 as the dirt went to the bag without passing through the fan.Looks to be very good but not perfect.Having the complete attachments with box (the black one does not belong with),supplies and manual helps.The loose hose is probably not a serious problem.Value to a collector might be $50-$150.(Always carry with built in handle at top of bag housing and not upper handle as cracks at handle socket are common.)
The Regina is about 1960 and once common as a second vac for small jobs.Loose bags are for a Dirt Devil.Again manual helps.Value might be $20-$60.
Mine is only one opinion.What matters here is someone looking for these models who may want better pictures or to see & hear in person.

Post# 472972 , Reply# 2   8/27/2024 at 10:22 by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

Yes, nice machines!   To have the Dial A Matic, with GENUINE belts, and tools WITH the box and manual is a nice find!  Shipping could be rough, but..decent prices, indeed.  Best of luck with that!

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