Thread Number: 45757  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Never seen this Windtunnel
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Post# 472930   8/25/2024 at 10:50 by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
Did some looking around on the internet as usual and saw this nice teal blue colored Windtunnel. Was this a Hoover store exclusive? Ive seen the gray one next to it alot but the teal looks alot nicer.

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Post# 472942 , Reply# 1   8/25/2024 at 22:51 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I've never seen one of those either, maybe it might've been sold up in Canada?

Post# 472943 , Reply# 2   8/25/2024 at 23:02 by ralph123 (Memphis tn)        

Looks like a Hoover Tempo widepath.

Post# 472945 , Reply# 3   8/26/2024 at 02:20 by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
Believe it or not sold here in the states. This was a photo I found on this site from that hoover store in PA. IDK why but I always like the teal colors on the Maytag/TTI hoovers.

Post# 472946 , Reply# 4   8/26/2024 at 06:53 by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
Indeed, it looks like that great Hoover Tempo Widepath, but it does not have the 14” wide front on the nozzle….like the grey one next to it. Maybe it’s a KMart exclusive or some unique version of it?

Post# 472955 , Reply# 5   8/26/2024 at 16:49 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
But we always learn something new daily. Even I keep coming across with old Hoovers that I haven't seen before. Like for example not too long ago I found out that we had some Hoover Sovereigns which were basically the UK Turbopowers sold here in the states.

Post# 472956 , Reply# 6   8/26/2024 at 16:55 by ihavetotryagain (Poop Island)        

ihavetotryagain's profile picture
You know, the odd thing about this thread is, I feel like i've seen that blue Windtunnel like a billion times already, But that gray one? This is my first time seeing it.

Post# 472999 , Reply# 7   8/28/2024 at 22:53 by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
The full picture actually shows this Windtunnel and the Tempo are two different models entirely

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Post# 473001 , Reply# 8   8/28/2024 at 23:23 by Durango159 (State College, PA)        

durango159's profile picture
That is uncommon. This photo is from a vacuum store that specialized in Hoover.

Hoover went through a phase with various Windtunnels with minimal logos and I'm not sure why. I prefer when they had the Windtunnel decal and more on them.

The blue one is a basic 13" Windtunnel. The gray one next to it is a 15" Windtunnel Supreme. The deeper blue next to the gray Windtunnel is an a 15" Anniversary Windtunnel Supreme.

Post# 473019 , Reply# 9   8/30/2024 at 08:26 by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

bagintheback's profile picture
I remember that thread very well. That's at Gregory's Sweeper Central in PA, the last official authorized Hoover dealer. Still open today if you want to give him a call; he left Vacuumland years ago.

I think I found a picture of the box for that machine on

It is a Windtunnel. The Tempo only had minuscule differences with the Windtunnels. I owned one years ago and if you took it apart to change the belt it still had the Windtunnel suction assembly.

I'm not sure of the exact production dates but that style of Windtunnels was being phased out by that point. Wouldn't be surprised if they simplified the manufacturing to those final colors near the end.

Post# 473021 , Reply# 10   8/30/2024 at 12:06 by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
I thinks this vac would've been much more intriguing if it had that much easier top tool storage, not the one with the plastic door. From all my uses of windtunnel cleaners, by far those are the most convenient ones. The ones with tool storage on thr back have a problem with firmly holding the tools in place.

Post# 473023 , Reply# 11   8/30/2024 at 13:45 by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
In that same thread theres also this really nice old school mid line Windtunnel rebadged as the Professional Series. That would be cool to find.

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Post# 473024 , Reply# 12   8/30/2024 at 13:48 by Eureka1998 (New York )        

eureka1998's profile picture
The orange one to the left of it, Royal on a Maytag Hoover/Original Hoover....Just doesnt look right. Oh TTI.

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