Thread Number: 45747  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
General Electric Vacuum Attachments
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Post# 472863   8/21/2024 at 13:02 by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        

Anyone have any thoughts as to why these are hard to find?

Post# 472864 , Reply# 1   8/21/2024 at 14:20 by RainbowD4C (Saint Joseph, Michigan )        
Finding attachments.

rainbowd4c's profile picture
MY guess is because all of the old machines are gone at this point. Keep in mind that units like what you are looking for were way back before the internet, before Ebay, Facebook Market Place and here. When the vacuum died it was discarded and a new one was purchased. Also these vacuums are from a time where you could most of the time go out and get them serviced and fixed at the local vacuum shop and they were also made to last. The disposable vacuum concept didn't exist back then. I look at it from this stand point as well. Dyson, Shark and brands of such that are todays market are a lot more complex with chips, boards and electrical that would be found in the space shuttle. I know this is not the reality. But I'm making a point. There is so much that can go wrong. Back in the days of GE it was plug the vacuum in turn it on and get to work. So when those vacuums finally broke it was time to upgrade and they just got thrown out. I don't really think that parts would be available now so that was all you could do was just get rid of them and move on with whatever is available in the store at that time.

That's why Ebay and Marketplace are great. I am seeing things on Market Place that are like wow. That's Great. Even Craigslist once in a while will blow your mind.

Post# 472865 , Reply# 2   8/21/2024 at 16:12 by Rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
GE attachments --

--are not hard to find here. What is very hard to find is any time to deal with them in any way.

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Post# 472874 , Reply# 3   8/22/2024 at 03:11 by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        
Floor brush

Jimmy, I tried to email you and the email came back as undeliverable. Would you please email me?


Post# 472875 , Reply# 4   8/22/2024 at 08:12 by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        


Post# 472876 , Reply# 5   8/22/2024 at 09:25 by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
In preparing for my upcoming retirement from the vacuum business, I have been throwing all the old stuff away. I'm not spending an hour on eBay to sell new Hoover 700 brush strips for $4. Or old Lux attachments for a few dollars. Scrap the metal ones and toss the plastic ones. I have less than one year in business left (by my schedule) and it's all going - one way or another. Jimmy has been asking people to come get his stuff for years. Don't have years. Vintage stuff is either going third weekend in September at my mini-meet, or the collectors who come can help me throw it in the tip.

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