Thread Number: 45745  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
Need advice on which vacuum to purchase next
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Post# 472849   8/20/2024 at 13:01 by Keeks (Athens, Ontario)        

I’ve bought 3 sharks in the last 6 years, the first 2 would come with every possible attachment, you could think of, and even a steam mop, and the last one the rocket came with the standard crevice, what they called upholstery attachment, which did not compare to the previous turbo powered ones, and the dusting brush With a swivel head That would frustrate anyone attempting to a vacuum the couch, but don’t get me started on the mattress. I do not want cordless because I tend to go on cleaning sprees that will last for hours, and I’ve just bought my first house and every room is carpeted except the kitchen and the bathrooms, two out of three bedrooms, even have I referred to as a shag carpet, or high piled, which will be torn out at some point, but definitely not in the next couple of years there’s so many more renovations that are priority for me. My budget would be $400, but I need something that would have a great suction to help with cat hair, attachments seem to really sell me on a product, especially the turbo heads, and for the past two weeks I have been reading anything I can find on Recommendations, reviews, price point, specs to look for, and I think I’ve just overwhelmed myself with all the Possibilities available. I’ve never had a cannister before, I’m unsure if a cannister would be better than an upright? I do have a two story but carrying a vacuum up and down wouldn’t be an issue for me. I have learned from all the reading I’ve done that a bagged vacuum seems to be better than without? I live in a rural area about an hour from any city in Ontario, Canada, so free shipping would be an advantage, purchasing from a company directly in Canada is my only option as I wouldn’t occur any additional costs due to customs. Any advice would be tremendously grateful. Thanks in advance.

Post# 472854 , Reply# 1   8/20/2024 at 19:15 by Kirbyman65 (USA)        
Here are my recommendations

kirbyman65's profile picture
If your budget is $400 here’s what I recommend. A bisslle power force bagged is a cheaper option but not the best. If you are willing to spend about $30 more than your budget I recommend a prolux vacuum they make nice machines and they have multiple attachments. My final recommendation is a simipcity vacuum pretty much the same as the prolux but a little cheaper.

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Post# 472855 , Reply# 2   8/20/2024 at 19:26 by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

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I think that you need to consider a vacuum that has a motorized pet hair nozzle for upholstery and stairs. The air-driven turbo nozzles are not as effective and can clog.

Therefore, I would recommend a Kenmore Elite Pet-Friendly Plush canister vacuum which has on-board storage for the Pet-Powermate nozzle. It’s highly recommended by Consumer Reports and you can order it thru Amazon Canada for about $600 Canadian dollars. See below for the model you should order….the page is from the Kenmore Canada website.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO eurekaprince's LINK

Post# 472859 , Reply# 3   8/21/2024 at 05:42 by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
The neat thing about this Kenmore Elite UltraPlush canister is that it has an LED light on the tip of the adjustable wand. So you have illumination on the cleaning area even when using the bare floor brush, or when you are cleaning in dark areas with the crevice tool.

Post# 472860 , Reply# 4   8/21/2024 at 09:08 by dysonman1 (the county)        

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There's a wonderful Canadian vacuum company called Johnny Vac ( that sells some great vacuums. No customs. I have sold a good number of machines from Johnny Vac and I'm quite pleased with the products. You'll easily be able to find a vacuum that fits your budget, and you'll help a Canadian company.

Post# 472868 , Reply# 5   8/21/2024 at 19:16 by Kirbyman65 (USA)        
Here are my recommendations

kirbyman65's profile picture
If your budget is $400 here’s what I recommend. A bisslle power force bagged is a cheaper option but not the best. If you are willing to spend about $30 more than your budget I recommend a prolux vacuum they make nice machines and they have multiple attachments. My final recommendation is a simipcity vacuum pretty much the same as the prolux but a little cheaper.

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Post# 472869 , Reply# 6   8/21/2024 at 19:20 by Kirbyman65 (USA)        

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Didn’t mean to post that twice

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