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Shampooing a carpet
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Post# 472685   8/9/2024 at 10:51 by shag (Ontario, Canada)        

shag's profile picture
I have a trailer with a small amount of carpet in it that needs to be cleaned.
I do not have hydro and relying on a battery vacuum.
Is a can of foaming carpet shampoo that you let dry and vacuum up asking for a big mess?
I have liquid carpet cleaner that goes into a wet vacuum. Would it be better to use that and just a brush?

Post# 472686 , Reply# 1   8/9/2024 at 12:10 by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
I've used those spray foam cans for spot cleaning and for shampooing carpets in the car. It works okay, but you've got to let it dry thoroughly before vacuuming it up, just as you do with a Kirby shampooer. It's funny, or maybe not, but I've got four Kirby shampoo kits, but I've never actually used any of them.

When I got my G7 Diamond Edition, it was apparent that it had seen a fair amount of use as a shampooer. There was a huge amount of residue caked on the underside of the floor nozzle from vacuuming up damp shampoo, and the belt lifter mechanism was a rusted out mess that needed replacing. That experience has made me wary of using the shampooer. At the very least, it increases the labor intensity, given the apparent necessity of thoroughly cleaning the vacuum after shampooing.

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