Thread Number: 45725  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
What my Hoover windtunnel twin chamber got out of my carpets
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Post# 472654   8/7/2024 at 16:16 by Bransvacuums (Edmonton Alberta Canada)        

Usually bagless vacuums aren’t known for deep cleaning your carpets, especially the newer junk they sell at stores these days. Out of all the bagless vacuums I’ve used, this is probably the best. It might be as good as my direct air vacuums. I can feel it sucking down to the carpet when I use it. The amount of dirt and fine dust this machine pulls out of my carpet is insane. This was sold during the time where companies really started to make bagless vacuums. Fantom vacuums at this point were out of production. I believe in 2002 they stopped making vacuums. Dyson still had the patent on the cyclones, so this is what Hoover could make. The bypass twin chambers were better than the first one. I can’t believe Hoover thought they could make this twin chamber system work on a direct air vacuum. Eureka had their whirlwind machines, and they were just absolute junk. The build quality actually wasn’t bad, but the way they designed it was even worse than what Hoover made. The biggest flaw the twin chambers had was that since the suction is being diverted through the filter rather than being fully diverted like the bagged models, you lose quite a bit of suction. I took the bin off and put my hand on where the suction comes from, and I was shocked at how much suction you really lose. This machine seems to have more airflow than suction. I will say having all the dirt go through a tube rather than the hose helps with the performance. Another issue with these twin chambers is that the suction valve always break. Mine is still brand new and what do you know, the valve decided to break on me. The hose suction is now weaker. I’ve found new suction valves online, but I think fixing it would be better since buying a new one would also break.

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Post# 472656 , Reply# 1   8/7/2024 at 17:27 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
Glad you're enjoying your new Hoover. This I think was one of the perfect examples of how Hoover went downhill and in my opinion one of the worst bagless designs ever. You'll get good performance until the filters clog up which definitely doesn't take long to do. Then once it loses performance even before the job is done, you'd have to clean it out which from my experience was a pain. I don't ever miss mine nor my in-law's. You say that the Eureka Whirlwinds were junk, I'd respectively disagree. Those don't have hose diverters, they have better exhaust filters, and maintenance from my experience was easier than these. Also you said that bagless vacuums aren't known for deep cleaning carpets, I can definitely list a bunch of examples that actually deep clean carpets just fine if not better than some bagged machines from my experience.

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