Thread Number: 45710  /  Tag: Pre-1950 Vacuum Cleaners
Remove permanent marker stain Hoover 28
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Post# 472567   7/31/2024 at 10:35 by MW (Wisconsin)        

Bought this gem of a Hoover 28 on FB Marketplace for $20. Runs smoothly and is very quiet. I’ve done nothing to it, not even a wipe down, except a “new” brushroll from the helpful Myvacsrock, and a replacement bag from a not running model 26 I scored from an estate sale. And my question: how can I remove the “Brines Rental” (see photo) without wrecking the paint? Rubbing alcohol did nothing. Thanks!

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Post# 472568 , Reply# 1   7/31/2024 at 10:51 by human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
Try lighter fluid, the kind that went into old fashioned Zippo lighters. I've had some success with that on various things. Of course, there is also the possibility that the ink has thoroughly permeated the paint to the point that it will not come off. Then, you'd be faced with the more difficult choice of whether to repaint it, leave it as is, or perhaps to further use that non-functioning model 26 as a parts donor, providing the chassis is compatible.

Post# 472573 , Reply# 2   7/31/2024 at 15:48 by parunner58 (Davenport, FL)        

parunner58's profile picture
Mike, when I worked at the front desk at Disney resorts we would get black Sharpie on the desktops. I'm not sure what kind of stone product they were made of but a lady that worked with us told me how to remove it. She would first color over the spot with a highlighter, then would wet a paper towel with hand sanitizer and wipe the spot right off. A plain Lysol wipe would not remove it but her method always did. I'm not sure if there is a spot you could test it first.

Post# 472576 , Reply# 3   7/31/2024 at 21:56 by Tylerhawkins84 (Elkhart, IN)        
Hand sanitizer

I often use hand sanitizer as well, never tried it with a highlighter first. If rubbing alcohol doesn’t work though I’m not sure the hand sanitizer would either as that is probably the main ingredient in it that removes the marker.

Post# 472577 , Reply# 4   7/31/2024 at 22:28 by vacuser (milford,ohio)        

vacuser's profile picture
try goo says surface safe.

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Post# 472578 , Reply# 5   8/1/2024 at 00:06 by k15 (Canada)        

Drawing over the permanent marker with a dry erase marker has helped me in the past, but I'm not sure it'll work for something that has been on there for years or decades.

Post# 472589 , Reply# 6   8/1/2024 at 16:57 by MW (Wisconsin)        

I appreciate the suggestions. Rubbing alcohol and hand sanitizer have done nothing. Nor has automotive brake fluid, which I’ve used on the car, but mainly with parking lot type scrapes. I’ll give Goo Gone a shot, as well as lighter fluid, although I may sub charcoal lighter fluid, which I have. Wish me luck! I’m starting to think the old girl might say “Brines Rental” for a long, long time.

Post# 472590 , Reply# 7   8/1/2024 at 18:33 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
When I worked at Walgreens people wrote rap verses on the bathroom stalls. The pharmacist sprayed 90 isopropyl alcohol 91 proof and it came off like butter.
Soak it with alcohol. Gas removes impurities off aluminum kirby polished bodies.
It's the texture of the paint oil or water based? Try paint remover take off the paint repaint it.

Post# 473298 , Reply# 8   9/19/2024 at 08:14 by timh (Idaho)        
Goof Off

timh's profile picture
Goof off Pro strength remover will remove that. But be careful because it will also remove even what you dont want. Also don't use a bright colored rag because it will transfer that color back into the face off whatever you're cleaning, and don't rub hard just keep your rag saturated and rub lightly in passes. I find that the solvent can works better than the aerosol version.

Post# 473299 , Reply# 9   9/19/2024 at 08:51 by MIVintageVacs (Royal Oak MI)        

I would try using a magic eraser. They always impress me with what they will remove without causing damage. They can take paint off if you’re too aggressive so take it slow and sneak up on it.

Post# 473408 , Reply# 10   9/27/2024 at 16:00 by texbodemer (Mountlake Terrace)        
The Home Depot

texbodemer's profile picture
The Home Depot did a great job matching the paint on my Hoover 26. Get the sample size of Behr Marquee (built in primer) Remove the hood, and blot it on with a foam (sponge-type) brush. It'll come out well.

Post# 473410 , Reply# 11   9/27/2024 at 21:19 by MW (Wisconsin)        

Thanks for all the suggestions. Nothing helped much, unfortunately. At this point, I’m thinking I may just accept that Brines Rental is part of the machine’s history, and that’s not all bad. I never intended for it to be a showpiece, but it’s seen such comparatively light use that I may change my mind someday. And meanwhile, it has a good home.

Post# 473880 , Reply# 12   10/27/2024 at 23:38 by abobotek (Redmond, WA)        

If the body is metal, use acetone. Works like a charm for most permanent markers, as they use acetone-based ink. If the body is ABS plastic, DO NOT USE ACETONE as acetone will eat it. If the body is plastic, try acetone in an innocuous location first to see if it eats the plastic.

Good luck!

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