Thread Number: 45706  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
The Bison Mark III
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Post# 472544   7/29/2024 at 21:05 by Keither (California )        

keither's profile picture
On an early Fall evening back in 1975, my father purchased his first in home demo Bison Mark II.
The machine was stored in the tool shed after about 6 months and was replaced. Aside from terrorizing my nephew, it became cumbersome to use, and the plastic parts and housing became brittle. So here we are again, and after seeing the machine in its pristine condition I couldn’t say no. Had my father known the full history of the marketing practices that were instituted by Bison he would not have allowed the salesmen into our home. Anyhow it’s a rare collection piece, it sounds pretty darn good, but hands down Kirby to this day is stellar in assembly, functionality, and workmanship.

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Post# 472546 , Reply# 1   7/30/2024 at 06:31 by kirbyklekter (Concord,Ca.)        
"Love that Bison"

That is a real beauty Keither! I've never seen a Bison in like new condition and doubt I ever will unless you score another. Hope all is well with you. Enjoyed the story too!

Post# 472549 , Reply# 2   7/30/2024 at 16:26 by keither (California )        
Thread Title Correction The Bison Mark II

keither's profile picture
To all viewers the correct title for this post is The Bison Mark II

@ Bill C. Kinder : We should schedule some time to meet and have you visit and see the Bison in person. Glad you like it

Post# 472556 , Reply# 3   7/30/2024 at 21:42 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
You got one of the NIB Bison Mark II. I love the ds80 so this is the best looking Bison by far. Kirby is durable but the who generation line was stole from Bison after they went belly up.
How many uprights do you see that old with that big of a motor. It's amazing machine and if used would clean carpet very well.
Nice machine and nice to hear you got one that holds sentiment to you. They're the ones you cherish.

Post# 472557 , Reply# 4   7/30/2024 at 21:49 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
You got one of the NIB Bison Mark II. I love the ds80 so this is the best looking Bison by far. Kirby is durable but the who generation line was stole from Bison after they went belly up.
How many uprights do you see that old with that big of a motor. It's amazing machine and if used would clean carpet very well.
Nice machine and nice to hear you got one that holds sentiment to you. They're the ones you cherish.

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