Thread Number: 45698  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
the Blue 🔵 Compact Electra is back.
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Post# 472494   7/25/2024 at 19:36 by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture
yes sir shes back and better than before.

smooth motor good suction and airflow.
nnew hose all tools love it

the red tristar needs a new paint job so its guts whent in the blue cuz my grandma had a blue one and i want it back. and i cant find one on ebay so brought my blue c9 back to life not hte right blue but it will do

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Post# 472506 , Reply# 1   7/26/2024 at 18:12 by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture
working good migh touch up the paint but its k for now VAC america bag sure allow for alot of air flow.

i use em in all 3 .

Post# 472531 , Reply# 2   7/29/2024 at 14:37 by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture

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Post# 472712 , Reply# 3   8/11/2024 at 10:08 by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture
wow found a pic of brochure on ebay for compact electra c8 vacuum 449$ power head is 89.50$ =538.50 before taxes not cheap in 1976

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Post# 472713 , Reply# 4   8/11/2024 at 10:12 by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

This post has been removed by the member who posted it.

Post# 472745 , Reply# 5   8/13/2024 at 12:02 by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Very nice Antoine! The 3 vacuums are looking great :-) .

How are you enjoying the DustCare PB11 powerhead you bought? And how do you find it compares to the TriStar powerhead? One thing I did with my Miracle Mate and Patriot, since they have the original hoses with no powerhead switch and there's no switch on the TriStar, Sebo 350 and Lindhaus PB14 powerheads I use, I made a inline cord on/off switch. I used 2 TriStar pigtail cords and a Leviton inline lamp switch - it's rated for 3 amps, so just enough to handle the amperage from a PN motor.

One thing I would suggest doing soon, since your vacuum motors are the original motors, is check and possibly change the carbon brushes, and use a seating stone on the armature. That will extend the life of them as much as possible and prevent a expensive motor replacement due to the armature being damaged by a worn-out carbon brush contacting the armature. It's a common problem with Ametek motors.

Post# 472746 , Reply# 6   8/13/2024 at 12:17 by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture
where would i buy a stone to clean the armature ??
The DustCare PB11 powerhead works great grooms well no problem so far just plug and play love it i find it grips more than the tristar pn but my black cxl pn hasa gear belt now thats a beas to .

Post# 472747 , Reply# 7   8/13/2024 at 12:19 by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture
the gold cxl has factory motor the yellow c8 hasa new motor last year and the blue one has a motor from red cxl il be sure kepp em working good thanks .

Post# 472810 , Reply# 8   8/18/2024 at 07:48 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
There's a link to stone for armature.
Clean obsessed makes hepa bags.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Lesinutah's LINK on eBay

Post# 472813 , Reply# 9   8/18/2024 at 11:09 by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture
thanks for those links Les Iuse the vac america great bags for my tristar compaqct if i run low il order those thanks

Post# 472814 , Reply# 10   8/18/2024 at 13:44 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Problem. I love the VAC hepa bags but I couldn't find any at a reasonable price.
The red and silver is rare 2 speed. The silver 2 speeds were called silver bullets. Atleast a guy who sold them told me this. He also said that if he gave a demonstration it was an easy sale because they cleaned so well.

Post# 472815 , Reply# 11   8/18/2024 at 14:07 by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture
ummmmmm les the only two speed tristar was the second red cxl not silver the silver cxl dxl ex 20 were all single speed tritar did a 2 speed machine asa one year only model

Post# 472818 , Reply# 12   8/18/2024 at 15:48 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Good to know. It's been a few years since I talked to this fellow.

Post# 472821 , Reply# 13   8/18/2024 at 19:24 by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Antoine, your CXL PN has a geared belt? Those PN's are exceeding rare and hard to come by! Not many of those were made for too long before Aerus Holdings bought TriStar and came out with the EXL. You might want to look into acquiring a spare brushroll, motor and geared belt to have as spares, as those parts are hard to find now....they may even be discontinued. In that case, used parts is all you could do, and the motor possibly there's a new one that has the same gear spacing that could match it? In fact, I do believe one of the Beam powerheads that Electrolux AB produced might have a motor with similar enough spacing between the teeth on the motor spindle for the belt that it might be able to be used in a TriStar CXL geared belt PN.

While you're at it, I would also suggest contacting Patriot in California and buying a couple of the wand adapters they put on the generic PNs like the Douglas PN to adapt them to use with TriStar style wands. Not only so you can use other powerheads in the future, but it also helps with being able to use generic buttonlock wands. And btw, your local vac shop that deals with Hibbert International, JohnnyVac or Tip Top Parts Canada should be able to sell you a carbon brush seating stone, they are stocked by those distributors.

Post# 472832 , Reply# 14   8/19/2024 at 07:19 by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture
no vacuum store in my town that i know of im on my own here so il look on ebay and get it .
Thanks did not know tristar cxl gear pn were so rare it works sooo good

Post# 473825 , Reply# 15   10/24/2024 at 13:23 by Thevacomaticiec (Bathurst New Brunswick Canada )        

thevacomaticiec's profile picture
glamour badge is on nos ebay

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