Thread Number: 45696  /  Tag: Small Appliances
Another slow cooker find
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Post# 472468   7/21/2024 at 11:34 (202 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture
Came across a bit of an oddball slow cooker.

It’s a GE when Walmart sold them, and I can’t really call it a “crock pot” because it doesn’t actually have a ceramic pot. Instead it’s non stick metal, which results in the whole unit being very light.

The lid also has locks but instead of the typical latches, the clips just slide over the lid.

It also has a cord reel that retracts with a slight pull, kind of like a vacuum cleaner would.

The outer housing is textured black and stainless steel.

It has digital timer and controls with a blue display. Anyway I thought it was so unusual and neat looking. I remember my grandma has a GE medium sized slow cooker that’s the typical white ceramic insert and dial control, I think hers probably a rebadged Rival Crock Pot. This one I have no idea, seems like a custom design I’d say.

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