Thread Number: 45693  /  Tag: Pre-1950 Vacuum Cleaners
508 serial number timeline of production based off of serial number and armature date
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Post# 472447   7/19/2024 at 19:01 by Misskirby505 (Albuquerque,New Mexico)        

misskirby505's profile picture
Hi everyone,

I’m looking to gather more detailed information about the serial numbers for the Kirby 508, specifically to distinguish between early, mid, and late production models. I have some data, but I’d like to refine it further with input from the community.

Here’s what I have so far:

• Early 508 Serial Numbers: I’ve seen so far: someone of this forum has one that starts with “38” and ends with 8. Another one, I believe someone from South Africa has a 230v one with a serial number of “W398388” I believe from what I can tell. Others include a tag from the facebook group “W414014”, someone in this forum has another one that is “435147”, another one I’ve seen close to that one is “431452ws”, I have one that is 442212E, and someone else on this group under the “early, 508” thread with a serial number of “450159”.
• Late 508 Serial Numbers: Ive seen ones that are 577214E that belongs to Thomas aka Kirby vacuum collector & fixer,another one I saw on the fb group that belongs to Tim leach, 597306ws, and the 508 goodwill finds thread one on here with a serial number of “600040”.

If anyone has a Kirby 508 model and would like to share the date it was made based off of the armature and or serial number with pictures please do! It would be immensely helpful to compare and pinpoint these ranges more accurately. Specifically, I’m interested in:

• The serial numbers and corresponding production dates.
• Any additional details such as armature dates or other relevant identifiers. ie: the 508’s with serial numbers within the 3-4 range have features of the 505 like the emtor latch, the 505 style rug nozzle mold, the serial number/model plate, and where the lightbulb attaches is still that black square. Another member form this forum, Odavid123, has told me the early 508’s came with a similar bag to the 505 but it was gray in color, had a black rubber bag topper, and the logo was in red and silver. Idk at what serial number they began or stopped making them with that bag but I’ve seen a few images of this bag and I have a replica that Odavid123 made for me. I’ve noticed the ones with the serial numbers starting with 5 have the model plates that are more similar to the 509’s along with where the lightbulb attaches is that metal cylindrical shape and the “teardrop” shape latch on the emtor is on these as well from what I’ve observed.

Your insights will greatly assist in establishing a clearer understanding of the serial number progression and production timeline for the 508 model. It is a model that isn’t very common and I feel isn’t very well understood(ie:the handle fork is also a different shape) but I hope that through this thread that can change! :)

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,

Post# 472458 , Reply# 1   7/20/2024 at 16:42 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Your selling your 505 bag and emtor. I take it you never found the bag topper.
I have a few 508s I'll see if I can find them and post pics.

Post# 472459 , Reply# 2   7/20/2024 at 17:26 by Misskirby505 (Albuquerque,New Mexico)        

misskirby505's profile picture
Hey Les! Yes I’m selling a 505 bag with emtor! I do have a bag topper, but that is on my early 508 as the early ones had a 505 style bag but in gray with silver accents. I have a replica that someone from the community made me. Adam Mercer has an original rare early 508 bag. My profile picture will show you the replica plus the bag topper. I’d greatly appreciate your help on those serial numbers/armature dates! :)

Post# 472465 , Reply# 3   7/21/2024 at 00:54 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Going on a limb saying mercers is 1 of a kind or reproduced. I think 1 of a kind but I don't think there were 2 made. I think Adam got a prototype bag.
If I'm wrong(lol I'm wrong often I'm married)I stand corrected. I do like the bag and the idea of it. He did a nice job on the bag and the fact it's topper came on a 508 gives credence to 508 bags in 505nstyle existing.
I had a reproduction 508-512 bag I put on my 510 pictured on my profile Pic. I sold it to Paul on here because he needed a bag.
My first 508 only came with motor unit so it being all original is not likely. My 2nd 508 was a 1961 rebuild not original. I got another kirby rebuild 508. I went in with huskyvac bought a 508 he got everything except the bag.
I have original parts pieced together but no machines with a date of production. Huskyvac has original 508 and might have insight.
Kirby collector has/had 508s that were original.

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