Thread Number: 45692  /  Tag: 50s/60s/70s Vacuum Cleaners
Hoover Constellation 86 paint color options?
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Post# 472437   7/18/2024 at 19:39 by fluffygryphon (Eastern Nebraska)        

I recently came into possession of a Constellation Eighty Six that was very very poorly repainted. Paint runs, poor masking, etc... This gives me a wealth of options, since someone else already ruined the original paint job. I still want to repaint it in a color that closely matches one of the original color options this model came in. Is there some sort of list or diagram I can look at that has all the colors offered? Does anyone have any suggestions?

Post# 472441 , Reply# 1   7/19/2024 at 09:37 by human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
Oh, I thought from your headline that the Constellation had been available in 86 different colors.

As far as which color to paint yours, my grandmother had a yellow one that looked very cheerful, but I've also always been fond of the orange ones. But hey, since you're essentially working with a blank canvas, why not have some fun with it and do something totally original, like a two-tone, maybe with a color fade from top to bottom.

Post# 472443 , Reply# 2   7/19/2024 at 10:46 by Paul (USA)        


Going by newspaper ads, the colors of the Model 86 were:

1) Antique Gold

2) Primrose Yellow

3) Porcelain Blue

Hoover, like Eureka, Electrolux and presumably other companies often changed colors from their originals to reflect marketing or internal changes.

Linked is an archived thread showing my reply, #14, with photos and change perceptions:

Post# 472446 , Reply# 3   7/19/2024 at 18:39 by fluffygryphon (Eastern Nebraska)        

Hey, Paul. Believe it or not, photo number 3 that you have in your archived post is the vacuum I actually got. That exact one. I'm disassembling it right now so I can remove the old paint. I attached a few pics.

As far as painting it, I may play around with some color options.

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Post# 472453 , Reply# 4   7/20/2024 at 12:53 by secondwind (Tampa Fl)        
Hoover Model 86 cloth filter & brush accessories

Hello, I was just gifted a great condition Model 86 Hoover canister vac and I am very impressed with this little vac! Extremely versatile vs most other vacs and exceptionally quiet. The floating feature was a huge surprise too! My grandkids think it's the cat's meow and want to turn it on whenever they visit. All that said I hope it continues to run for a while.

The vac came with only one attachment, a small 6" bristle brush which seems to be OEM, white with the locking nub, and in excellent condition. I bought some bags on Amazon that seem to work well but the cloth felt motor filter, though in fair shape, seems a bit worn so I'd like to get a new one. I've searched the net and I've not found a suitable one that is either large enough or made of the same cloth felt. I'm sure some of the filters I found could have fit but very few listed the actual size diameter only a part number. I realize I do not have to get an OEM as most of these filters I think are rather generic. Any help to locate one will be appreciated.

Regarding the brushes. I'd like to get a 10"-12" floor brush with swivel and with horse hair bristles. Also, a good dusting & crevis tool attachment, and help to find them is also appreciated.


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Post# 472482 , Reply# 5   7/22/2024 at 09:13 by Paul (USA)        

Hey Daniel—

Glad to hear that that Model 86 got into someone's hands who wants to restore it. Looking forward to seeing the 'after' pics.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Congrat's, secondhand! Hope someone can help you out with the attachments if you are unable to find them on your own on eBay, Craigslist, or other places.

Post# 472525 , Reply# 6   7/29/2024 at 12:28 by fluffygryphon (Eastern Nebraska)        
Nearly complete

What a lovely machine to work on. It's so simple and shares so many similar designs with shop vacs. Here's the followup. The goal wasn't to make it a display piece, but something I'd enjoy using to help me clean house.

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Post# 472529 , Reply# 7   7/29/2024 at 14:12 by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
Looks great! You did this?

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

"Good for you".

Post# 472533 , Reply# 8   7/29/2024 at 15:46 by fluffygryphon (Eastern Nebraska)        

Yeah, I dismantled the entire thing, stripped the old paint and rust and refinished it. Then gave the motor and wiring a once over, cleaning it with electrical contact cleaner and replacing the old lubricants that had dried out over time.

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