Thread Number: 45687  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Hoover windtunnel twin chamber, plus some updates
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Post# 472376   7/15/2024 at 08:57 by Bransvacuums (Edmonton Alberta Canada)        

I got this Hoover windtunnel twin chamber for my birthday. I found this on FaceBook marketplace for only $45! This machine was barely used, and yet the guy sold it for that low. I had to get it. It sucks that it isn’t the model with the nice blue translucent turbo brush, but I’ve been looking for an original Maytag twin chamber for quite some time. I don’t like the newer TTI versions. They look generic looking, and they are made in China. I was blown away with how good of a job this machine does. Like seriously, it picked up so much carpet fibers and fine dust, and yet I’ve been using my bagged Bissell lift off. I assume the reason why it did better was because that the brush roll is powered by the actual motor rather than a small amperage motor, and it has windtunnel technology. Some people say it doesn’t really work, but I can feel the machine sucking down to the carpet. Cleaning the filter is messy like any bagless vacuum, but I actually prefer the twin chamber set up over a big cyclone with so many screws. It is easier, and they added a feature where you spin the filter inside the bin to clean it off. This has to be one of the only bagless vacuums that is actually sealed. I’ve never seen or smell any dust leaking out. I find that having the dirt going through a tube instead of it going through a long hose making so many bends and turns helps with the performance. The self propelled models also had the same thing, but I question why they didn’t do it with the bagged self propelled models. The hose is easy to use since it has an automatic diverter valve. Every single diverter valve Hoover makes always breaks for whatever reason, but thankfully mine still works. The hose isn’t the longest, but it is fairly long. One day I’ll have to buy the extra long hose. That will definitely help since this machine is actually heavy believe it or not. The build quality is actually good, but it isn’t as strong as the Hoover’s that were made in the USA. For the sake of it, I decided to fully take this machine apart and wash it. I didn’t like the other person’s smell. I also polished and waxed the parts. That might sound like a waste, but I like my machines to look like new, plus the wax protects the parts. The bearings needed to be greased up too since they were bone dry. The 20 year old belt was actually in good condition. I replaced it anyways since it was stretched out and was slipping. I also lubed up the motor mounts and the tool diverter arm, which is the solution to make it easy to recline the vacuum without having to press your foot on the hood to recline it. Note that these pictures are before I tuned it up. It may not look that dirty, but it now looks like new. I have some updates on my Bissell powerclean/pure air machine. I finally got the bearings installed on the armature. My sister fixes cars, and her shop had an arbor press. That saved me $70 bucks. I also got some other parts arriving for it. Here’s a nice question to end this off, would you rather use one of these old twin chamber machines, or use the newer TTI bagless units Hoover makes now. Me personally, I’d pick the twin chamber machines any day over the newer junk.

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Post# 472377 , Reply# 1   7/15/2024 at 09:12 by Bransvacuums (Edmonton Alberta Canada)        

I originally uploaded this last month, but I couldn’t find the post. I thought it didn’t go through.

Post# 472380 , Reply# 2   7/15/2024 at 13:27 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
Congrats on your find. Honestly, even though these are nostalgia to me, I think they are one of the worst designs by Hoover. Sure it's an excellent carpet cleaner no doubt about it, but I'd much rather take a cyclonic Hoover or at least a bagged Windtunnel over these. I had one before with the dirt finder and I hated it, that was why I got rid of it but I wish I could've held onto it just for the collection. My in-laws also had one as well and hated that too. Clogged up almost instantly and had to do maintenance to it every single time I'd be done using it. Another problem with these is the automatic tool conversion, I've seen them break alot. And these leaked out a ton of dust. The TTI versions actually had some improvements but I'm glad these got discontinued for good in favor of the T-Series. My in-laws replaced theirs with a T-Series which I thought was an upgrade for them cause I think it's a better machine.

Post# 472382 , Reply# 3   7/15/2024 at 18:27 by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Alex, I couldn't agree with you more! These Hoover Windtunnel Twin Chamber uprights, whether it be direct air or bypass like this one, are HORRIBLE cleaners. They may clean carpets well....but that lasts for about 10 minutes until the filter starts clogging and it loses airflow quickly. And the tool airflow and suction on these vacuums, even with a clean filter, is definitely below average.

The sad part about it is, these are otherwise good vacuums to use - easy to push and pull, average weight, average build quality for something found in a department store, etc. The only thing that lets them down is the bagless filtration system and how it affects cleaning performance. You're 100% right that the T Series models are a upgrade over the Twin Chamber models. I had 2 of these models I found over the years, and the first one I kept for 2 weeks before deciding to re-sell, the 2nd one I immediately put up for sale after my experience with the first one. I have the Windtunnel T Series Purely Pet model that sold at Walmart for $130 CDN a few years ago, and as much as I don't like the dual cyclonic filtration system and think there is better out there, it's STILL a million times better than the Twin Chamber design, and maintains it's airflow and suction and cleans much longer before you see a decline in performance.

Brandon - Congratulations on your find, and glad you are happy with it. We all have to start somewhere, and I only hope your collection grows and you have a appreciation for other models and designs eventually.

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