Thread Number: 45683  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
I bought an OVO 700
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Post# 472367   7/14/2024 at 09:09 by Johnsmith96 (East Coast)        

johnsmith96's profile picture
So, after weeks of thinking it over, I decided to order the OVO 700 based on a lot of research, consideration, and input from many of you! This whole time I was up in the air between the MD s900r and the M965h because I wanted a lot of power. However both units are around 1500-1600$ which I was willing to pay. What I’m not willing to do is put two holes in the side of my foundation for exhaust. I’m also not willing to listen to the noise from these units. I wanted to prevent the risk of any asbestos that may get sucked up from doing some DIY (I’m getting new heat and AC installed with new ductwork, old duct has asbestos) and being exhausted in my basement hence the desire to have exhaust piping. Also from what Owen has mentioned to me, the s900r exhaust is not coming directly off the motors themselves, rather a void that the motors are being exhausted into that has ports off it. With that being said I looked into the MD modern day 715h but for the price, I can buy 4 OVO units that have comparable power, just no bypass motor. The OVO Units have parts and accessories available on Amazon, and are geared to DIY people. I’m hoping I’ll be pleased with my decision!

Post# 472436 , Reply# 1   7/18/2024 at 19:29 by Centralvacs1928 (Chicagoland)        

Boo hiss

Save the box ;)

Post# 472438 , Reply# 2   7/18/2024 at 21:46 by Johnsmith96 (East Coast)        

johnsmith96's profile picture
What is the problem with them?

Post# 472440 , Reply# 3   7/19/2024 at 09:24 by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
I've known Owen (centralvacs1928) for decades. He's an expert, and I bow to his extensive knowledge. If he says something is no good, it's no good.

Post# 472516 , Reply# 4   7/28/2024 at 09:00 by n0oxy (Saint Louis Missouri, United States)        
central vacuums

I don't have any experience with the Ovo central vacuums but I do have two MD units, the Flomaster M85 and the Silent Master 900, both are excellent units. You don't have to exhaust those outside. They have very good filtration. Another brand that I think is excellent is Drainvac. I have several Drainvac units including the Twin Turbo which is one of the most powerful central vacuums available. At a vacuum convention a few years ago it literally swept someone off their feet when it pulled the hose back in to the wall.

Post# 472519 , Reply# 5   7/28/2024 at 17:44 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I think you'd be fine with the OVO 700 AW. OVO just only makes the bodied parts whereas they contract other companies to make their motors, switches, cords, etc. You'll notice the same goes for MD as well including everybody else, in fact even the motor is exactly the same between the OVO 700 AW and the Flo-Master F700t. But the price between the two is night and day. In addition, OVO offers an extended warranty similar to buying a brand new vehicle. So why pay extra for the MD? As long as you're using yours as bagged, you shouldn't have any issues cause the units are so simple. My aunt bought a Allegro based on my recommendation because of the price but used theirs's as bagless. Within two years, the motor went bad. Allegro had us pack the motor up and ship it back to them to repair the motor. Because the company is located in Canada just like OVO, you'd have to deal with international shipping costs and delays as there aren't any service distributers here unlike MD. Ours took a long time to fix. Personally, I'd take the risk of buying the OVO over a MD for starters. You can always swap yours out for an MD or anything else different later on if you wanted to upgrade.

Post# 472537 , Reply# 6   7/29/2024 at 18:20 by Johnsmith96 (East Coast)        

johnsmith96's profile picture

I looked at the flow master series measurements for water lift, cfm, and airwatts. The OVO was better that the TOL flow master according to MD website. I was so close to purchasing the silent master or modern day with dual motors, but they are 1500-1600$… and I’m really only gaining cfm and 200 airwatts but paying 4 x the price. I don’t have a local central vacuum dealer or installer, so anything I buy I have to install myself. OVO had installation kits on Amazon, which I bought. I also bought multiple SuperValves, a cyclovac prestige central vacuum package, a rug rat, and ebk 250 direct connect with interchangeable brush rolls, the HEPA pre motor filter for the OVO, the muffler, a garage utility inlet (on my YouTube shorts), a pressure relief valve and a 40 ft low voltage hose. I was shocked myself that I decided to go for the OVO, but if it fails it fails, it wasn’t that expensive, but it’s quiet, it had a reliable motor, and it has good power. When I decided I didn’t want to run a 30 amp dedicated outlet to my central vacuum, and I was left with the other options of Central vacs, the modern day m715h was my backup. However it wasn’t much cheaper than the dual motor units, so that’s why I said OVO it is. I still may get one, but not right now.

Post# 472737 , Reply# 7   8/12/2024 at 15:14 by ihavetotryagain (Poop Island)        

ihavetotryagain's profile picture
LOL I had no idea Drake made central vacuums under his OVO fashion brand

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