Thread Number: 45677  /  Tag: Pre-1950 Vacuum Cleaners
Hoover Model 543
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Post# 472309   7/10/2024 at 02:42 by brandong (Texas)        

Hi all!

I recently purchased a vintage Hoover model 543 and was looking for care tips and tricks. I’ll post pictures when it arrives, so far I have a small collection but I am really excited to have this one in my possession.

I don’t plan to use it regularly but more to have on display as a conversation starter but wanted to know:
-tips on cleaning/polishing, from some research I don’t think this model ever had a mirror polish finish
-wiring/electrical safety, what should inspect or replace right away
-manual availability

Any info is greatly appreciated!

Post# 472311 , Reply# 1   7/10/2024 at 10:15 by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
Congrats on an awesome machine.

The 543 was designed to be the lower priced (budget) alternative to the Model 700 - the first Hoover with an agitator. Because the motor in the model 543 was designed for the Hoover Beating-Sweeping brush and not the Agitator, it has a hard time turning that heavy brush roll at very high speed. The late Stan Kann shared a trick to get the 543 motor turning faster (loosen the carbon brush ring screws and turn it a few inches left).

There were three versions of the 543. The first continued with the straight handle of the 541. The second version curved the handle, but the switch was on the cleaner. The third had the switch in the curved handle with a removable plug on the cleaner motor itself.

This was also the last Hoover model to need oiling. All other models used Ball Bearing (and eventually a top sleeve bearing) that eliminated that necessity. Be careful not to over oil. More harm results in over oiling than under oiling. Do NOT use 3 in 1 oil. Use machine oil.

My model 543 was given to me by the late Stan Kann (look him up on you tubes). Mine has the curved handle but still has the switch on the machine.

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Post# 472316 , Reply# 2   7/10/2024 at 13:29 by vacmadman (Pueblo Co.)        
543 bag

vacmadman's profile picture
Is this a Hoover 543 bag?

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Post# 472319 , Reply# 3   7/10/2024 at 14:06 by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        

hoover300's profile picture
The first version also had the old 541 style badge.

Post# 472324 , Reply# 4   7/10/2024 at 16:42 by Brandong (Texas)        

Mine seems to be the 3rd version, at first I thought it might have been a model that was modified since I couldn’t find many pictures with the curved handle. Regarding the oil, I have singers oil I use on my sewing machines, would that be okay to use? I think in the bottle it says I can use it in vacuum cleaners.

I’m tempted to play with the carbon brushes but I’m weary of messing with electrical components.

I got an update and looks like it will arrive sooner than expected hopefully this Friday!

Post# 472328 , Reply# 5   7/10/2024 at 22:24 by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

Where this unit was stored will dictate the condition of the cord. Personally, I've replaced all the cords on my coffee can Hoovers. I would also check under the switch to make sure the insulation on the wiring isn't brittle. If that's the case, you can cheat and put 2 layers of heat shrink over the wiring going to the motor.

If replacing the cord, I highly recommend Sundial Wire. They sell a period correct cloth covered cord and plugs for lamps and it works great on these old sweepers.

As for the motor, make sure it spins freely before powering it on. You can potentially wreck it if the motor is gummed up. I use rubbing alcohol and 3in1 SAE 20 oil (Blue Bottle) on all my sleeve bushings.

Best of luck!


Post# 472456 , Reply# 6   7/20/2024 at 16:14 by brandong (Texas)        

So it finally arrived but unfortunately it looks like the wires that ran in the handle ripped so there’s no way for me to test it at the moment ☹️

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Post# 472479 , Reply# 7   7/21/2024 at 22:02 by Brandong (Texas)        

So it finally arrived but unfortunately it looks like the wires that ran in the handle ripped so there’s no way for me to test it at the moment ☹️

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Post# 472872 , Reply# 8   8/22/2024 at 01:43 by Brandong (Texas)        

Posted this in the wrong thread…

But looks like a lot of carbon dust, any tips on cleaning it?

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