Thread Number: 45674  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
I bought a central vac install kit!
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Post# 472303   7/9/2024 at 15:39 by Johnsmith96 (East Coast)        

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I recently posted the thread about what Central vacuum cleaner I should buy. I’m still definitely leaning more toward a dual motor system. Especially since most of them are 120 V. I did end up buying a central back, install kit and some 45° fittings based off of watching Owen Perkins talking about the tea fitting causing a lot of headache. I also ordered an OVO brand install kit as I mentioned above. I’m hoping that the quality of the OVO kit is good, because not many companies are offering a full-blown kit with valves tubes low-voltage wire and the PVC cement. I have an area picked out on my main floor where an old wall heater used to be. Technically the wall heater is still there, but it will be gone soon and I’m gonna use that open area as easy access to install the wall outlet unfortunately it’s not directly near an electric outlet so I think my best bet is to buy a hose with a pigtail and. My father can do pretty basic electrical wiring, but I don’t think that he’s up for the task of hunting through walls to try and wire stuff from behind.

Post# 472338 , Reply# 1   7/12/2024 at 00:51 by beagledad (Florida)        

Congratulations! I installed the Electravalve inlets myself and it was very easy and straightforward. The Supervalve inlet may be more complicated.

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