Thread Number: 45661  /  Tag: Wanted to Buy Items
Reconditioned Kirby?
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Post# 472210   7/1/2024 at 12:15 (221 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
Hey -

This is my first ever post in this section:

I've really really been wanting to buy a Kirby lately...but not one that looks like it's been through hell that I have to fix up myself. I've been watching videos about them and I feel like I know so much more about them....

I take care of my stuff and it pretty much stays looking new... anything I buy..

Tell me... If I buy a reconditioned Kirby (not sure which model) but at least G6 or higher..that's been totally cleaned and refurbished... what $$ should you pay?

I'm not really handy so I would like one that's been gone over inside and out... although it doesn't look that difficult with all the helpful videos..

I still love my rainbow... I've always wanted both but never could justify it.

I do have wall to wall berber


Post# 472219 , Reply# 1   7/2/2024 at 00:15 (221 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
You look on Facebook or local classifieds you'll find newer g series cheap. I've seen diamond series up through avalir for under $100. The good thing is you wouldn't have to refurbish them because some are almost brand new because they're never used.
I got an avalir 2 a year ago used twice for $100.
There out there and cleaning them up is easier then refurbishing them.

Post# 472220 , Reply# 2   7/2/2024 at 09:46 (221 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
going through facebook marketplace I'm running into lots of people just selling their kirbys...most of them look used..and the prices are all over the place... The few I saw that I liked (for example someone selling their Avalir for $175 cash)...are over 1000 miles away... I'm guessing a lot of these people don't ship them and are hoping for someone to locally buy it and get it that way. And some people are asking more for their barely used Kirby's than they probably bought it for...I saw for for $3000 and it was USED. LOL

Post# 472228 , Reply# 3   7/2/2024 at 20:58 (220 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

I have an Ultimate G and Sentria 2 that are fully polished and ready for sale. They have new cords and brushrolls installed among other parts. Shipping from Illinois to Kentucky might not be cheap, but if you were looking for something professionally serviced, that might be an option.

Post# 472320 , Reply# 4   7/10/2024 at 14:32 (212 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I wouldn't pay more than $300 for a refurbished Kirby unless it had recently been rebuilt by Kirby themselves. Just my honest opinion.

Post# 472334 , Reply# 5   7/11/2024 at 16:01 (211 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        
A real life example...

I have a complete G6 2000 special edition set with all the attachments and rug renovator.
I bought it all from a thrift store, restored the machine after a complete teardown, polished metal, and washed all attachments. Inlcludes video and original boxes.
I have 100 into it. I hoped to sell all for 300 but would take 200.
However no takers locally after a year and it would be almost twice the cost to ship it.
Around here, labor and experience is deemed worthless.
So I just kept it.

Post# 472335 , Reply# 6   7/11/2024 at 16:06 (211 days old) by texaskirbyguy (Plano, TX)        
Another example

I did have a guy that gave me $160 for a Heritage (no attachments)that I custom restored for him back in 2020. I had about $60 in it, vac + parts.
So roughly figure $100 in resto labor from a hobbyist.

Post# 472362 , Reply# 7   7/13/2024 at 14:49 (209 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

I was selling rebuilt Sentria I's and II's on Offerup with attachments and shampooer for $250 a piece. It's easier to sell them when you work at a vacuum shop IMO.

The best candidates were people with old Kirby's that weren't worth fixing and they loved the price considering it was 4 times less what they paid new, it's a newer unit, refurbished, and they can still use their existing bags.

Post# 472363 , Reply# 8   7/13/2024 at 15:43 (209 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
Cool... I've never used offerup... how to find? Oh... and when you say rebuilt...what is the definition of rebuilt?


Post# 472365 , Reply# 9   7/13/2024 at 20:55 (209 days old) by repairman (Woodridge, IL)        

I replaced all the worn parts like brushroll, belt, cord, drive pedal, etc. and buffed all the castings to a mirror finish. I also wash the emptor and bag connector in the sink with a brush and dish soap to make them like new again.

Post# 472383 , Reply# 10   7/15/2024 at 22:13 (207 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Offerup has gone to shiz the last year. It's an app for selling items. They focus on local items and items people will ship. Think ebay lite not as good of selection but better price.
I'd recommend Mecari App. It's the same concept but it's still growing as offerup is not.
If I were u I'd pay Rob because Rob won't screw you over and rebuilds are top notch and the fact he's not a complete dbag either. I'm not calling anyone names im just saying who I'd give business too

Post# 472384 , Reply# 11   7/15/2024 at 22:49 (207 days old) by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
He said he "USED" to do this... but not anymore

Post# 472385 , Reply# 12   7/16/2024 at 07:27 (207 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
Also says he had a g6 fully restored he'd take $200 for. I'm guessing shipping would be $100 offer $175 plus shipping an amazing g6 from him.
He will ship I've bought a few things from Jim.

Post# 472403 , Reply# 13   7/17/2024 at 08:44 (206 days old) by Bisonian (Where the buffalo roamed! (Ocala, FL))        
Consider Thrift Shops

Mark, I don't know about Lexington, but here in Florida, Kirbys of all sorts are dirt cheap (pun intended) in the thrifts.

On a recent Saturday, I counted 7 different ones in half a dozen thrifts. They tend to go cheap. I've seen Sentrias in good shape as low as $50.

Alternatively, if you're up for a short road trip, there's a little vac shop in Morehead, just off I-64 that might be a good source. Very heavy on old Electrolux, but most likely has Kirbys too.

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