Thread Number: 45660  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Barley used Hoover windtunnel twin chamber, plus some updates
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Post# 472203   6/30/2024 at 20:37 by Bransvacuums (Edmonton Alberta Canada)        

I got this machine for my birthday. I found it on Facebook marketplace for a whopping $45 bucks. This machine is pretty much like brand new. It has been rarely ever used at all. The brushroller is like new, the filters are new, it has like barley any scratches, the cord is like new, and the belt showed very few signs of it being used all that much besides it from being really stretched out. I mean yeah the machine is dirty, but that’s really it. Just a slightly used dirty machine. I’m glad I found a Maytag model. I always hated the TTI ones. They look generic looking, they’re made in China, and the newer motors don’t sound all that good. I still wish I found one that came with the nice blue translucent windtunnel turbo brush. I can easily find on eBay. When I first used it in the living room, I was shocked at what it picked up. It got so much carpet fiber and fine dust. I did the whole house with it, and I was shocked even more. I’ve been using my Bissell lift off, which is the bagged model, not that long ago. I guess the windtunnel technology really does work. I also keep finding sand, which I have no idea where it comes from. Using the hose is a bit disappointing since it is not that long. I know you can get that 20 foot hose, which is a must for cleaning stairs. This machine is actually heavy when you pick it up. They give you the same tools like you get with the bagged windtunnels, which are just shorter versions of the Hoover elite tools. I compared them, and the windtunnel ones are like kids toys. Now when it comes to emptying the canister, it is quite messy. That’s just the way bagless machines are. I will say, the pickers that clean the filter actually do a good job, but you’re still touching the dust. I find that the filter underneath stays clean as long as you clean the white cartridge filter. The exhaust filter is not the true hepa filter. It is the 3 layer colored foam one that is almost like a kitchen sponge. It does not that bad of a job catching the carbon dust. You should never see any actual dust get on that filter. If you do, dust is going into the motor. I find this machine to be a sealed system, which is rare for a bagless machine, especially one from the early 2000s. The agitation is very impressive. I heard the CWP ones are better. I’m not sure if that’s true or not, but at least it is a sealed brushroller compared to this one that still has the open bearings. Also when I took the brushroller apart, there was barley anything in it. I mean yeah the grease is no longer good, but just some dust and hair and that was pretty much it. I love that the machine has a headlight. I can’t stand an older vacuum without a headlight. Overall, I’d rate this vacuum 9/10. I have some updates on my old Bissell powerclean/pure air machine. I finally got the new bearings installed on the armature. My sister who fixes cars had an arbor press at her shop. I saved $70 bucks by just simply asking her. I have some other parts on the way, but soon I can actually get this machine going. I’m also going to wash the parts on the windtunnel. The machine still has the smell from the other persons house, plus you don’t want someone else’s germs.

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Post# 472217 , Reply# 1   7/2/2024 at 00:05 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
You look on ebay you can find the turbo tool pretty cheap.
It does look in pristine condition congrats on your find.

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