Thread Number: 45656  /  Tag: Small Appliances
Sunbeam Model 12 stand mixer
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Post# 472166   6/28/2024 at 18:03 (224 days old) by bikerray (Middle Earth)        

bikerray's profile picture
Found this at Goodwill, a Model 12 Mixer still in the box, the only thing it's missing is the manual.

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Post# 472167 , Reply# 1   6/28/2024 at 21:26 (224 days old) by aussie-plugs (Melbourne, Australia)        
Just wow!

What amazing find!

Post# 472181 , Reply# 2   6/29/2024 at 11:24 (224 days old) by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
Agreed, that's just a fabulous find. Were it mine, I would be hard pressed to actually use it. I also love that Tiffany style lamp in the background. Is that an original or a reproduction? My dad's parents had an original Tiffany hanging fixture of a very similar pattern over their dining room table. It made its way to my parents' house after they passed, and was offered to me when they downsized, but at about three feet in diameter, it was just too large for my dining room, so I accepted a smaller, and somewhat less attractive, imo, reproduction fixture from over their kitchen table instead.

Post# 472189 , Reply# 3   6/29/2024 at 20:13 (223 days old) by bikerray (Middle Earth)        

bikerray's profile picture
Put a new cord and polarized plug on the mixer, the old cord was petrified.
When I went to put the motor on the stand the old cord started cracking and pieces of rubber were falling off.

As near as I can tell the mixer is somewhere around 1957.

re: Lamp the base is old ( from the 20s) the shade is a repro that I've had for about 20 years old.

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